子供の病気、ケガはすぐに病院に連れていくけどママが具合が悪いときはどうしていますか。 殆どの人が我慢していますね。 会員が11月に癌で亡くなりました。 3才の子供の泣き声が忘れられません。 ママは死んではいけません。 健康診断を受けに行ってください。 お願いします。
今日の参加者は日本人親子7組、外国人親子15組です。 9月からの新会員も多く、お互いを知らないので自己紹介をしてもらいました。
料理が一番多く、読書、旅行など多彩でした。 連絡係りができる人を募集しました。 パソコンと英語ができる首藤さん(日本)と高橋さん(台湾)のお二人がメーリングリスト・連絡係りを引き受けてくださいました。 コアラブログの写真入れは佐川さん(3月まで)にお願いしました。 2月のイベントに中国の小嶋さんが中国伝統楽器(琴に似ている)を習っていますので聞かせてもらいます。 渡辺さんのフラメンコの練習も再開したいとのことですので何時か見せてください。 皆さん、宜しくお願いします。
Today's event of "Child raising in Korea" postpone to next year. All Koala members will participate round-table talk and talk about their own countries child raising on Jan. 26.
A leader's talk;
When your child gets sick or injury, you take him to the hospital immediately. What happen when mama gets sick? Almost all mamas might bear and not to go to the hospital. One of Koala member died in a cancer in November. I never forget that 3 years old son was crying with grief.
Mamas are not allowed to die for children. Please carry out a medical examination.
Today's participants were 7 pairs of Japanese mother and child and 15 pairs of foreigners. There were a lot of newcomers from Sept. so we had self introduction by members.
How do you know Koala?
Mostly, introduce by "Child support section in Nakahara Ward office" and by their friends. Some of them showed interest in a flier and Koala blog.
What is your hobby?
More women were interested in cooking and the following reading and travelling etc.
I recruited a person in charge of contact. Shudou san and Takahashi san (Taiwanese) are good at English and PC. They manage our mailing list from January. Sagawa san takes a picture for Koala blog. Kojima san from China will perform the traditional Chinese musical instrument in Feb. next year. Watanabe san will show us her Spanish flamenco dance some day. We are looking forward to seeing their performances.
Amsal san from Ethiopia who moved to far from here, came to see us with her 11 months daughter named Hanna chan.