さっちゃんはマスクをして来ました。 ちょっと風邪気味です。 ママは「寒いからコアラを休もう」と言いましたがさっちゃんは「コアラに行く」とママを連れて来てくれました。 久しぶりにブラジルのガブリエル君の事を思い出しました。
進藤さんは図書館から大きな絵本を借りて持って来てくれました。 絵本の題は「どうぞのいす」です。 みんなで絵本を楽しみました。
子供達は元気いっぱいで部屋を走り回りました。 大人も加わって鬼ごっこをしました。汗をかきましたね。 帰ったら着替えてね。
この日は米澤代表の指導で「フラダンスをしよう!」を計画していましたが、風邪の為キャンセルになりました。 申し訳ありませんでした。
*音楽に合わせて体を動かしたい。 子供も大好きですので次回やって欲しい。
The cold rain and the sleet continued on two days. As the Influenza is raging, I was worried about members. Seven adults and children gathered while it was raining.
Sachi wore a mask because she had a touch of a cold this morning. Her mama said, "Better to take a rest for the cold today". Sachi brought her mama to Koala. Sachi reminded me of Gabriel boy from Brazil.
Shindo san brought a big picture book which you can borrow it from the library. The title of a picture book is "Douzo no isu". We enjoyed a picture book.
We had an early teatime. I brought Sponge Cake and the Yokohama Mille-Feuille to the meeting. As we were only 14 people, we could have a lot of them. The rest of sweets were gift for Papa. Children full of vigor were running around in the room. Adults joined the running and played tag with them. We got warm and sweaty. Please change their dress!
We were planning to do "Let's dance HULA!" leading by Mrs. Yonezawa. Sorry, it was cancelled because of her cold.
* Unluckily we missed Hula.
* We want to move to fit with the music. Children love the music. Please do it.
* I am interested in Hula, the event must be postponed.