今年のコアラ卒業生は12名です。 うち5名は「用事があり参加出来ずに残念です」とメールが来ました。 兄弟と一緒に来ていた会員はコアラでの思い出など感想も書いて下さいました。 雨の中、21組の母子が集まり卒業生をお祝いしました。
コアラの中で一番大きい子。もっと体を使って遊びたいのに相手不足でした。机や椅子の移動など手伝ってくれました。大変助かりました。 ありがとう!幼稚園の園庭で思い切り遊んで下さいね。
ザンダーユキ君です。 暑い日、寒い日、雨の日健康でないと続けてこられませんね。 チョコレートの金メダルとピクニックグッズ差し上げます。
「2018こども未来フェスタ」の時、尾崎弘子さんが「素晴らしかった!」とお祝金を下さいました。 そのお金でパーティー用の果物を買いました。 宮島さん、準備して下さり有難うございました。 みんな、お腹いっぱい食べましたね。
さきちゃん、2歳 お誕生日おめでとうございます。 コアラからお誕生日カードとコアラメダルを差し上げます。 みんなで「ハッピーバースデー」の歌を歌ってお祝いしましょう。
高橋さん、福地さん ようこそコアラへ!
ママ達が隣に座った人と話していて安らいだ良い顔をしている。 この場所でストレスを解消し英気を養っているのね。 子供達は部屋中を走り回り、汗をかいている。 何を考えているのかな~? すみっこで食べてばかりいる子もいる。 ここは自由ですね。 若いママ達にとってコアラは必要な場所ですね。
コアラを続けなければいけないね。 よく頑張っている米澤さんに感動したよ!!
Koala graduates are 12 this year and out of 5 can't attend the ceremony. Some of them send the memories of their early days in Koala. Twenty one couples of mother and child gathered in the rain.
Graduates:(The gold medal and gift are presented)
Meru and her mom were both wearing the same dresses and Meru wore seasonal dress for Koala event. She was always hiding behind her mom in the early time. After she became familiar with Koala environment, she was running around in the room. Meru shows herself vulnerable in front of her mom but she is strong enough to be alone. Don't worry. Her family will go to the Republic of Mali soon. We are looking forward your report. Whenever you are facing with difficulties, let me know.
Mom took his brother when Kairi was a baby. I used to make him laugh by playing peekaboo with it. When I left him he cried in a loud voice which made me embarrassed. He often made us laugh with funny gestures. I believe he carries out what he has decided to do.
She is an active girl because of two brothers and easy to get hurt. She is a little bit mature than average. She talked to me a lot and is good at making up to her parents. She never lose a quarrel.
*Zander Yuki;
He is a biggest boy and wants to move around physically a lot. Unfortunately, he might not satisfied with. Yuki always helped to putting in order desks and chairs. Thank you!! You can play with all your might at your preschool.
Enter in Jan. and leave in March. When I spoke to him, he gazed fixedly at me with his big eyes.
Entered in April and came to Koala 6 times. Could you be a cute Ohina sama in March?
Entered in May. She attended every events except 3 times while she returned to her country, India. Whenever she heard music, her body moved spontaneously. She loves dancing. She had a good job at the World Fashion Show and Play in English at the Nakahara Word office. She is so cute.
She was nestling in her mother's arms when she came to Koala with her brother. I was surprised to see her walking since it was for the first time in a while.
His first year of Halloween Costume was "Snail" and second year was "Spider" which was awarded the grand prize in Halloween Costume contest. He was irritated with his mother's creativity. He will think of becoming independent when he reaches at his teenage.
Entered in April and attended 4 times. I was wondering why she couldn't come to Koala because of her sister was born. She was on the stage wearing Hawaiian dress at the World Fashion Show.
Entered in April and attended 4 times. At the birthday party, he smiled many times when his mom said "smile Ni~"
Entered in April and attended 6 times. He got in a Fire Truck when we visited the Nakahara Fire Station in Feb.
{Koala rules: The name of children's preschool and kinder garden are not showing. Child name in Kanji also don't mention.}
Perfect attendance! Congratulations 🎉🎉
Zandar Yuki; He came to Koala in the hot day, cold day and rainy day. It's important to keep healthy.
Give you the Gold medal which is inside Chocolate and Picnic goods.
Lunch time;
We are getting hungry at 11:30.
When we attended "2018 kodomo mirai Festa", Mrs. Hiroko Ozaki was impressed by our performance and gave us congratulations money. We decided to use that money on this event. Miyajima san bought various fruits. Thank you for your preparation.
Are all of you satisfied with a lot of dishes? We wrote "Thank you note" for Mrs. Ozaki.
Birthday Party:
Saki 2 years old girl. Happy Birthday to you! Give you Koala Birthday card and Koala Medal. Let sing a song "Happy Birthday to you" together.
Saki gazed around us with astonishing face. She doesn't know anyone since she just joins Koala. Saki in the Wonderland?
New Members:
Takahashi san, Fukuchi san Welcome to Koala!
Impression from Tutumi san:
Moms seems to set their mind at ease to chat with friend next to her. They are getting rid of stress and store up their energy at Koala. Children are running round the room pouring with sweat. What are they thinking? There are a child who keep eating something. It's freedom here!! Koala is an essential place for them. Yonezawa san, you should continue on Koala. She was deeply affected by Koala activity.