*モーっていったのだあれ? (フォンティンさん)
*タンタンタン、Where is Boy's Belly Button?, Excuse me? (高橋さん)
*ぴょ~ん,つみき、Pat the bunny, Good night moon, いろいろバス(秋山さん)
*The Vail (世界のお土産品)(米澤)
*くちょくちょ、Open-shut (布施さんはコアラア卒業生で英語教室を主宰)
布施さんによるギター演奏。皆で歌う。 楽しかったですね。 布施さん、ありがとうございました。
反省)現在3ヵ月から1歳3か月の赤ちゃんなので絵本の読み聞かせイベントはちょっと早かった。 いろんな絵本を紹介出来ましたので参考にして下さい。 これからです。ママ達は女優になって子供たちを夢の世界にいざなって下さい。
生まれた日にちが2~3か月違うだけで顔の表情、体の動きが違います。見ているだけで楽しい。この時期は二度と来ないよ。 みんなで大切に育てましょう❕
Welcome to Koala in the rain. I was aware that babies were bare feet. I am worry that they might got cold. Please bring something warm up for baby in this unstable season.
What the name of book did you bring write on the white board?
* Who said MO~ (Fontain san)
* Gao~ (Tsuchiya san)
* Tan tan tan, Where is Boy's Belly Button? Excuse me? (Takahashi san)
* Piyo~n, Tsumiki, Pat the bunny, Good night moon, Iroiro bus (Akiyama san)
* Sparky's house (book in cloth/buy at UN/NY) (Yonezawa & Rinette)
* The Vail (Aunt's Souvenir from the world) (Yonezawa)
* Kucho kucho, Opon-shut (Fuse san/run English class at her house)
The guitar performance by Fuse san. We sung a song. Thank you for your cooperation.
Feedback) We, Koala has babies from 3 months to 1.3 years old. The event of reading a picture book was premature. We introduced various books, you might think as reference books. From now on, mothers should be a great actress and invite your children to the dream world.
According to a stage of development babies are different from expression of face and body movement. I am very pleased to watch them. Don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime. Let's cherish children with great care.