

お母さん達は折り紙の本を見ながら熱中しています。部屋中折り紙をばらまいて子供達は喜んでいます。 華やかになった部屋をぐるぐる走り回って楽しんでいました。 



We continued with making Christmas ornaments. Koala meeting provided with origami, scissors,glue,stick tape,crayon and paper. Mothers made ornaments,while looking at the origami book. Children enjoyed scattering origami here and there,and running around in a circle. The room became colorful. The Koala event of Christmas party is on Dec.3, we will bring one green box or one colored box. Boxes are piled high and become a Christmas tree. We are making that one now. Other colorful ornaments will be bought by staff at 100yen shop.

According to Yoshimura san's idea, we will celebrate children's birthday. Yuuta kun
(3 years old),Keisuke kun(3 years old) and Aoi kun(1 year old)were born in November and were given a hand made cute card. The card message was written in Amharic,Italian,Chinese,English and Japanese. This is Koala meeting. Their mothers were more pleasant than children.

A volunteer Tanaka Keiko san is working for Koala for one and half years and will go to Brazil because of her husband's business transference. She extended farewell greeting to koala members and present us chocolates. Thank you, Tanaka san. Please come back to Koala someday.



カーラさんによるブラジリアンデーを予定していましたが都合でキャンセルになりました。 残念でした。又の機会を楽しみにしています。

子供達向けに音楽をかけました。 玩具に夢中で遊んでいる子がいます。 クレヨンで絵を描いている子にはクレヨンがはみ出してもいいように古新聞をしきます。 クレヨンを嘗めてしまった子には慌てて口の中を拭き取ります。 折り紙で遊んでいる子には寄り添って一緒に折り紙をします。 大人は芳村さんが用意してくれた本を見ながらクリスマス飾り物を作り始めました。 

We scheduled Brazilian day by Carla san but canceled according to her convenience. We are expecting another chance.

We changed koala event to Kraft paper class. Koala meeting provided scissors, glue, sticky tape, crayon and paperboard. We played a song for children. Some of them are absorbed in playing with toys. Others are stuck on drawing. A picture with crayon draw over her paper,then I put a used newspaper under it. When a baby sucks crayon, I hastily towel away at his mouth. A kid who wants to play with origami, I helped to fold it in together. Adults started to make Christmas ornaments that Yoshimura san prepared. We will continue to make those next week too. The completed works will appear at Dec.3, Koala Christmas meeting.


コアラ特別イベント「お芋ほりをしよう!」は土曜日の10時より行ないました。 参加費は一家族300円です。 中原区下小田中の森田さん宅の畑を4レーンお借りしました。 場所が分からない人は武蔵中原駅で待ち合わせしました。 参加家族12組の内、コアラ卒業生家族が5組来てくれました。 お天気もよく子供達はパパと一緒に土いじりを楽しんでいました。 虫に悲鳴を上げる子や芋のつるで遊んでいる子もいました。 小指ほどの小さなお芋から顔ぐらいの大きな物まで沢山収穫できました。 最後はパパ達がスコップでもう一度掘り起こします。 「また見つけた!」と得意顔でお芋を拾って持ってきます。 参加家族が平等にお芋をもらえるようにします。 大きなお芋を一つ、次は中ぐらいのお芋を2つ・・・と言うようにもらっていきます。 
Koala special event "The sweet potato digging" was conducted from 10:00AM on Saturday. Participating fee was 300yen for a family. We borrowed four lanes in a patch of sweet potato which belongs to Morita san at Simokodanaka, Nakahara-ku. Members who didn't know the place met me at Nakahara Station. Five out of twelve families were old members. Children enjoyed digging the soil with their dads under the blue sky. Someone screamed for insects and played with vines of sweet potato. We gathered a lot of sweet potato from little finger's size to face size. Dads dug out again. "I found one!" a boy brought a sweet potato proudly with joy to me. We shared the harvest equally to all families.

コアラには国際結婚をされた家族が沢山います。 女性達はコアラに来て悩みを話したり、ストレスを発散しますがご主人達は会社の友達には話せず孤立している人が多くいました。 同じ境遇の国際結婚をした人同士通じ合うものがあるのではないかと思い、休日の家族イベントにしました。 以前はお芋ほりが終わると公園に行き、子供を遊ばせながら大人の交流もしました。 インド人に英語で話しかけて英語の勉強とビジネスチャンスをゲットした人もいました。
Let me talk about why I started special event on Saturday.
We have many families of international marriages in Koala meeting. Women could release thier stresses and unload thier troubles to a friend in Koala but not thier husbands. I hope that their husbands also release thier stress at a field and make friends under similar circumstances. We used to go to the park after the potato digging event. Children played around us and adults were enjoying to chat. Indian, Chinese and Japanese men chatted in English. They got not only English exercise but also business chance.
