今年もコアラ会員にとって良い年になりますようにお祈りします。 みんなで一緒にコアライベントを楽しみましょうね。 🎉
7人の代表から母国語の正しい発音を習い、みんなで復唱しました。 日本語と英語以外の外国語は何回も言い直して、覚えました。 難しいね~
一品持ち寄りの新年会には世界の料理が32種類そろいました。 特に副代表の藤原錦芳さんの中華料理は皆が待っています。 今回は5種類の中華料理を作ってくださいました。 中華海鮮粥はご主人も手伝って下さったので、御夫婦とも睡眠不足だそうです。 コアラから経費は出していません。 いつもコアラを愛してくださり、本当に有難うございます。
森廣 ルカ君 1歳 お正月に生まれたのね! お誕生日おめでとう! 🎊
お誕生日お祝いカードをあげました。 皆で「ハッピーバースデーの歌」を歌ってお祝いしました。
(^^♪ るかちゃんは嬉しそうに歌に合わせて体でリズムをとっていました。(^^♪
穆 晶(ボク ショウ)さん、ファラ イラムさん、丁さんのご主人、朴さん・・・全員が外国人でした。
みんな親切です。 英語も通じましたので良かった。
♡♡ Happy New Year 2013 ♡♡
I hope this new year brings Koala members much happiness and joy. May the world rest in peace. Let's enjoy Koala events together!
"Happy New Year" was written by seven different languages.
We learned how to pronounce those words by 7 native speakers. Those were very difficult to pronounce except Japanese and English. We restated and remembered them. Challenging!!
NewYear's party with potluck had 32 kinds of International foods. Especially, Koala members were waiting for Chinese food cooked by Fujiwara Kinpo san, Koala vice president. She cooked 5 kinds of Chinese food this time. Since her husband helped her cooking, Chinese seafood rice porridge, they lost their sleeping. Koala don't pay expenses. Thank you very much. Two of you love Koala.
Participants were 8 couples of Japanese mom and child, 14 couples of foreigner and we invited people who were usually taking care of us. A total of 50 people enjoyed the lunch meal. Everyone had eaten sufficiently.
January Birthday Party;
Morihiro Ruka,1 year old boy. Born in Jan. 1.!! Happy Birthday to you. 🎉
Give you Koala birthday card. Let's sing a song "Happy Birthday" together for him.
(^^♪ Ruka looked happy shaking his body with rhythm. (^^♪
Today's new comers;
Boku Shou san, Fara Iram san, Den san's husband, Park san. They are all foreigners.
* There are high level people in Koala.
* I enjoyed very much and will come back.
* They are so kind. It is good for me to communicate with them in English.