① Greeting Song
② If you're happy.
皆さん、立ってください。 「ホッキ―ポッキー」の歌です。 ママも赤ちゃんも皆で踊りました。 (踊りに夢中で素晴らしい写真が取れませんでした。 ごめんなさい。)
③ Hokey Pokey
④ Picture Book
⑤ Make a caterpillar in colored papers
* 聞きやすく、ネイティブの英語を久しぶりに聞いた。
* 声も大きくて教え方も丁寧でした。
* 楽しかった。
* 皆も楽しそうに踊っていた。
張 予希ちゃん 3歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます。🎊 誕生日カードが無いので金メダルをあげます。 皆でハッピーバースデーの歌を歌いお誕生日をお祝いしました。
3月のお別れ会を欠席。 現在幼稚園に行っているのでママが代理で金メダルを貰いました。
* 小嶋 祐輝君 矢向いずみ幼稚園 入園おめでとうございます。 コアラに来てくれて有難う。
* 竹内 ハンナちゃん 宮前区に引っ越しました。 エチオピア人のママと日本人のパパの可愛い女の子です。 ママのアムサルさんは妊娠中からコアラに来ていました。 コアラに来てくれてありがとう。 金メダルをあげます。 元気でいてね。 又遊びに来て下さいね。
吉田さん、小林さん、山田さん、高野さん ようこそコアラへ!
Miss Angie Kim, Instructor is a Korean American. She is a missionary and teaching English to children at the church in Kawasaki ward. She excited curiosity in the Koala members by American English.
She wrote the lyrics of greeting song on the board and we read.
① Greeting Song
If you are happy, clap your hands. We sung and danced together.
② If you're happy.
Please stand up everybody. It's Hokey Pokey song. We all danced. (Sorry, I was absorbed in dancing, I missed a nice shot of this.)
③ Hokey Pokey
Miss Angie Kim's favorite picture book. Children looked boring to listen English story.
④ Picture book
Miss Angie prepared materials.
⑤ Make a caterpillar in colored papers.
(Impression from participants)
* I heard a native English after a long separation. I am happy to come here today.
* She sung a loud voice and teaching method was polite.
* I enjoyed this program very much.
* Everybody danced cheerful.
Participants were 12 couples of foreign Mon and child, 12 couples of Japanese.
Birthday party for April;
Yoki Cho; 3 years old Chinese girl. Happy Birthday to you. Give you a gold medal instead of the birthday card. We sung a song "Happy Birthday" for her. Yoki danced to song cheerfully.
1) Yuuki Kojima(boy); Entered Yakou Izumi preschool. Congratulations! Thank you for coming to Koala. Give you a gold medal. His mom received a gold medal instead of him who is in the preschool.
Yuuki was crying whenever he couldn't find his mom around him. One year later, I was surprised at his brave attitude that he danced at some Koala event in front of us. He has a wonderful family of Mama is Chinese beauty and Papa speaks Chinese. He will be a man to act as a go-between for Japan and China.
2) Hanna Takeuchi(girl); Moved to Miyamae ward. She has a Ethiopian mama and Japanese papa. Amsal san used to come to Koala when she was pregnant. Thank you for coming to Koala. Give you a gold medal. Take care of yourself. Come to see us again!
New members;
Yoshida san, Kobayasi san, Yamada san, Takano san. Welcome to Koala.