今日は雨、午後からは土砂降りの雨になる予報です。 それでも17組の親子が参加してくれました。
コアラは限られた予算で運営していますので、飾り物にはなるべく「お金を使わず、頭を使って下さい!」 例えばこのランタンは食事をした時のお品書きです。
上質紙なので綺麗ですね。 振袖の着物は包装紙で、帯はチョコレート菓子の包み紙です。
皆で飾りの輪っかを作りました。 子供たちは私達の周りを走り回っていました。
出来上がりは七夕係に渡しました。 七夕係は家に持ち帰り、笹竹に吊るせるように糸を付けます。 よろしくお願いします。
当日は希望者に浴衣(米澤代表の持物)を着せます。 写真撮影後、笹竹を切り分けて家に持って帰ります。
*改めてコアラの素晴らしさが分かった。 この会に参加できて良かった。
お菓子の差し入れは宮島さん、河合さんと米澤でした。 有難うございました。
マリーナさんがお茶会の準備してくれましたよ。 子供たちは楽しそうにお菓子をほお張っていました。
本日入会:高木さん ようこそコアラへ!
It is rain today and the weather forecast is for a heavy rain in the afternoon. In spite of rainy day, 17 couples of mom and child attended.
Ookawa san, Yoshida san and Nagatsuka san who are in charge of the Star Festival (Tanabata Matsuri). They telephoned to Ito san asking bring Bamboo tree on July 3. We will have a gorgeous Star Festival with a giant bamboo tree this year too.
As Koala manages a tight budget, don't use the money on it and use your brain for making decorations. For example, this lantern is made of a menu of Japanese restaurant. This Kimono is made of wrapping paper and a belt is made of chocolate wrapping paper.
We had paper wreath lengthened. Children were running around us. We gave completion to Tanabata kakari (attendants). They bring decorations home and tie the thread for hanging bamboo tree. I leave that entirely to you.
Persons who want to wear Yukata(summer kimono that my belongings), you could try it. I will dress you nicely.
After taking a photograph, we bring a part of bamboo home.
Who want to attend the event of "June 12, making Chinese meat dumpling by Cho san" and Kawai san explained what to do on this day.
Remarks of Child Raising Group Leader meeting;
* Almost all groups had trouble to bring together and take a part in event.
* We are enjoying at Koala activity though a leader Yonezawa san might have a trouble to run.
* Koala was most cheapest participation fee through year.
* We could know what a wonderful group Koala is! We are happy to join in Koala group.
Wipe the paste from your hands before having tea break.
Sweets contribution are Miyajima san, Kawai san and Yonezawa. Thank you very much.
Marina san prepared the tea set. Children enjoyed having snacks filling their mouth.
Today's entry; Takagi san, Welcome to KOALA!