
10月12日こども未来フェスタの打ち合わせの報告(A preliminary meeting for Festa)

10月に入って天候不順で風邪を引いている人が多い様です。 今日12日は28度の真夏日です。 13日は15度です。 フェスタの企画書は20日が締切日で今日すべてを決めなくてはならず、私は余裕がありませんでした。

曲は「Its a small world.」布施さん編集 

1、ハワイ: 米澤、渋谷、クリスチャン (まなと、さち、ここみ、しの、いお)
 2、インド:須永、パメラ (める、みさき、あおい、あんり、しゅん)
4、カンボジア:田中、西川〈チートン友人・香港〉、レイク〈カンボジア人〉 (める、かいと)
5、メキシコ:宮島 (しゅん)
6、アフリカ;小堀、佐藤〈中国〉 (かい、ゆい) 
7、フィリピン;ベレン、ライザ、ライザパパ (ゆき)
 9、沖縄;松島、《三線で登場》木田 (こうた、こはく)

3、ベトナム:シン チャオ
4、カンボジア:チュムリアップ スオ

オン ステージ;
米澤 一人でフラダンス「月の夜は」を踊る。 後ろでリズムをとる。 踊りが終わり皆で入口にもどる。《3分》
  《It's a small worldの曲をながす》
3、ベトナムグループがステージ中央マイクに向かって、みんなで「シン チャオ」
4、カンボジアグループがステージ中央マイクに向かって、皆で「チュムリアップ スオ」  ぐるりと回って衣装を見せて、端まで歩いてから入口にもどる。《2分》
ぐるりと回って衣装を見せて、端まで歩いて入口にもどる。 《1分》
  《It's a small worldの曲をとめる》
松島さんが「アサドヤユンタ」を三線でひき、歌いながら中央に向かう。全員が入口(反対側)から入場。 最後に歌って踊る。
全員、入口にもどる。 《4分》  入場・準備・挨拶+片付け=《4分》

小堀さん登場。 everybody come on! で全員が入口から出て、小堀さんの後ろに並ぶ。 終わったら全員で入口に戻り、区役所別館(保健所控室)に行く。《10分》

集合は3:30pm中原区役所5F会場 リハーサルは4:00から30分間です。

Some people caught a cold because of the weather has been unstable.  Today's temperature was 28degree like a summer time.  The next day was 13degree.
Since the planning for Kodomo Mirai Festa will expire by 20th Oct, I have to decide our proposal today.

Kodomo Mirai Festa on Nov. 25 is as follow;
"It's a small world" editing by Fuse
"World Fashion Show" 9 countries 20minutes
"Play in English" by Kobori 10 minutes

Ethnic Costume;
1, Hawaii: Yonezawa, Shibuya, Cristian (manato, sachi, kokomi, shino, io)
             Flower lei, a kilt of straw (hand made by Miyajima and Shibuya)
2, India: Sunaga, Pamera (meru, misaki, aoi, anri, shun)
             Indian children's clothes belong to Yoshimura san
3, Vietnam: chiton (anri)
4, Cambodia: Tanaka, Nishikawa, Leak (kaito, meru)
5, Mexico: Miyajima (shun)
6, Africa: Kobori, Sato (kai, yui)
7, Philippine: Belen, Riza, Raiza papa (yuki)
8, China: Fujiwara, Kojima
9, Okinawa: Matusima, kida (kouta, kohaku)
  * Helper:Takahara, Kawai, Suzuki, Yoshimura
  * Performer:Adult18, children 19

Hello in different language;
1, Hawaii: Aloha
2, India: Namasute
3, Vietnam:Shin Chao
4, Cambodia: Chumuri atp suo
5, Mexico: Ora
6, Africa: Jambo
7, Philippine: Maguhai
8, China: Nihao
9, Okinawa: Haitai

On stage;
     {Introduce Koala group by a primary schoolchildren MC}
     {Yonezawa announces all movements}
1, Hawaiian Group Children 5, Adults 3 stand on the stage and say "Aloha" together.
     {Music start "Tsukino yo ha=under the moonlight"}
Yonezawa hula(Hula dance) and members take rhythm.  After Hula, we all turn back to the entrance. [3 minutes]
     {Music start "It's a small world"}
2, Indian group of 5 children and 2 adults stand on the stage and say "Namasute" together and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance.[2 minutes]
3, Vietnam group stand on the stage and say "Shin Chao" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the enterance. [1 minute]
4, Cambodian group stand on the stage and say "Churimu atp suo" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance. [2 minutes]
5, Mexico group stand on the stage and say "Ora" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance. [1 minute]
6, Africa group stand on the stage and say "Jambo" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance. [1 minute]
7, Philippine group stand on the stage and say "Maguhai" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance. [1 minute]
8, China group stand on the stage and say "Nihao" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end and return to the entrance. [1 minute]
9, Okinawa group stand on the stage and say "haitai" and circle round to show your costume and walk to the end.
     {Stop the music "It's a small world}
On the returning way to the center, Matsushima is playing musical instrument (Sanshin) while singing Okinawa song.  The other Koala members appear on the stage and dance together.  After the performance, we all go to the entrance. [4 minutes]

Play in English;
Kobori calls us "Come on, Everybody!" Then, we stand on the stage.  She indicates some action and we follow her.

Previous rehearsal for Kodomo Mirai Festa on 24th Nov.
Atendee: Yonezawa, Sunaga, Riza, Tanaka, Matsushima, Chiton, Belen, Kobori
Gathering: 3:30pm at Nakahara Word office 5F.
Rehearsal start: 4:00~4:30pm