これはNPOきもの文化・歴史風俗研究会が主宰しています。 毎年、海外のパフォーマンスを一つ取り入れられています。 昨年はエジプトでした。 「着物を海外にも広めたい!」と思われています。 外国人に着物を見て、着てもらいたいそうです。
昨年の「なかはら子ども未来フェスタでコアラは世界の民族衣装ファッションショー、英語であそぼう、フラダンス」を披露しました。 みやうち着物学院長の尾崎さんに見に来てもらいました。 「コアラの活動そしてパフォーマンスにとても感動したので来年は中原市民館に来て欲しい!」と頼まれました。
1部 〈小学生~中・高校生の研究発表・技術部門〉
* 新作帯結びショー
* 小学生の紅花でのハンカチ染め
* 中学・高校生の着付け&マナーコンテスト
2部 〈日本の着物歴史ファッションショー〉
* 弥生時代~飛鳥奈良時代~平安時代~鎌倉~江戸~明治・大正・現代
3部 〈国際子育てひろばコアラ〉
* 世界の民族衣装ファッションショー、英語であそぼう、フラダンス
4部 〈フィナーレ〉
(毎回コアラでHello, How are you?と Head, shoulder, Knees and Toesを皆で覚える)
初めて参加する人は昨年度ファッションショーに出た人の後を付いて行けば大丈夫です。 何も心配する事はありません。 異文化交流を楽しんで下さい。
Koala takes part in Kimono Cultural Activity "Invitation to the Kimono History" at Nakahara Shiminkan 2F a Hall from 13:00 on Nov. 24(sun).
This event is organized by NPO Kimono Culture/customs and manners research association. They had been introduced a foreign performance in a part of their events every year. It was Egypt last year. They want to make Japanese Kimonos widely known to overseas and want foreigners see and try on Kimono.
Last year, Koala participated "Nakahara Kodomo mirai Festa" and performed "The world ethnic costume Fashion show, Play in English, Hula dance". A principal of Miyauchi Kimono School, Ozaki san came to see our performance. She said, "Koala activity and performance are only one in Kawasaki city. I am so impressed by you that hope you to come to take part in our event at Nakahara shiminkan next year."
part 1, Presentation of a paper and life skills from primary school pupil to High school students.
* Creative Obi(a broad sash worn with a woman's formal kimono)
* Pupils dye their handkerchiefs red with safflower.
* The contest how to put on Kimono and its manner by Junior and Senior high school students.
part 2, Fashion Show of Japanese Kimono history
* Yayoi era~Asuka/Nara era~Heian era~Kamakura era~Edo~Meiji~Taisho~Modern
part 3, International Mothers and Children Cross cultural Group KOALA
* The world ethnics costume Fashion show, Play in English, Hula dance
part 4, Finale
1, A rehearsal from 5:30pm on Nov. 14(thus): Yonezawa, Tabei
(Confirm a waiting room, microphone, CD)
2, A rehearsal at Nakahara shiminkan 10:30am on Nov. 24:Yonezawa, Fuse, Tabei, Matsushima
3, Gathering 2:00pm and 3:00 on the stage
4, In charge of "Play in English" is Takahashi
(We should learn by heart "Hello, How are you?" and "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes")
5, Morocco will join us.
Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Africa, Hawaii (Yonezawa belongings), Philippine, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Okinawa.
As soon as you decide your part of ethnic costume, I will lend you.
If you keep your own dress, please let me know.
The former Koala members will join us on that day.
Don't worry, new participants, you follow a person who did it last year.
Just enjoy a cross-cultural experience.