皆さんは大丈夫でしょうか? 毎日いかがお過ごしでしょうか? こんな不安な時こそ会って励ましたいものですが・・・
Koala meeting in April and May have canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic. How have you been, everyone? Are you OK? I wish I could meet you under uncertain circumstances but ・・・
にほんせいふは日本人も外国人も10まんえんあげます。 これは「とくべつていがくきゅうふきん」といいます。
Japanese government give you 100,000yen not only Japanese but also foreign residents. This is called "tokubetu teigaku kyuufukinn" means the special benefit.
Q) Are foreigners eligible for the benefit?
「ショートステイ」や「ふほうたいざい」の外国人はもらえません。 ダメです。
Yes, foreigners registered with Basic Resident Registration System as of April 27, 2020 are
eligible. A baby is also eligible.
Foreigners on "short stays" or "illegal residents" are not registered with Basic Resident
Regustration system are not eligible.
Q) How can I apply?
川崎市から「とくべつていがくきゅうふきん」のようし(しんせいしょ)がゆうびんできます。 中原
区は5月の末からゆうびんでとどきます。 3か月かんでおわりです。
The application forms of the special benefit will go by mail from Kawasaki city. Nakahara ku
will start delivery from the end of May. Please apply within three months of the date of the start of applications.
①ゆうびんでおくる ②オンラインでする
There are two way to apply.
①send by mail ②send online
①ゆうびんpostal application
2、「ふりこみさきこうざ」がわかるもの。 つうちょうのコピー。
1, Fill in the form with relevant information such as the account number for the transfer.
2, Need copy of a bankbook, cash card or printed screen of an online banking service which shows
the name of financial institution, account number and the name of account holder.
3, Need identity documents like a copy of a driver's license, a passport and a health insurance.
You need three documents. The application form, copy of a direct deposit account and identity document.
Send them to the Ciyakusho.
②オンラインonline applicaton
If you have a "My number card", you can apply online from the Mynaportal website
Identity will be verified through electronic signature for My Number Card holders.
Documents to verify the payment transfer account.
*ぎんこうこうざをもっていないひとはくやくしょにきてください。 ようしにかいてください。 お金はカウンターであげます。
* The payment will be transferred to the bank account for each household.
* If you do not have a bank account, please take the necessary documents to the counter at your municipal offiYece. the benefit will be paid at the counter.
Q)DVでいえにいません。おかねをもらえますか? どうしたらいいですか?
はい、もらえます。 くやくしょでDVのことをはなしてください。 たすけます。
Q) I live in a municipality different from that on my residence registry as I am a victim of domestic violence. What should I do?
Yes, you can get your benefit. To receive the benefit, please contact as soon as possible the municipality of your current residence and explain that you are taking shelter there from domestic violence or other reason so that the municipality can verify.
Please ask your municipality for more details.
やめて サギ! Stop Fraud!
それはウソです。 だまされないで!!
There are people who will try to steal your precious assets by offering "to help".
* Ask you to use an ATM
* Request service charges related to the benefit payment
These are lie/untruth. Don't take in!! Be on the lookout for fraud.