4月から新年度が始まりました。 早速、自己紹介をしてもらいました。
①名前 ②どこでコアラを知りましたか? ③何を手伝ってもらえますか? ④コアラで何をしたいですか?
*小木曽さん&えりちゃん 9月から参加している。カリフォルニアに2年住んでいた。前任者から引き継ぎ連絡係をする。 各国のイベントをやりたい。
(日本と海外のイベントを混ぜてやっています。25年間で40か国の参加があり、「OOはどんな国?教えてOOさん」を約30か国行いました。 世界の民族衣装ファッションショーも楽しみました。またやりましょう。2019年コアラは23年間の子育て支援に対して神奈川県子供支援大賞を頂き、黒岩知事とお話ししました。)
*Bさん&エリカちゃん、フミカちゃん パパはドイツ人。ネットで知る。
*米倉さん&みおちゃん パパはドイツ人。高津区役所で子育ての国際サークルを尋ねたら「コアラ」を紹介された。 夫は6月にドイツへ、自分は10月ごろ行く予定だが海外は初めてで心配。何か情報はないかと入会。
*高橋さん&ともや君 男の子3人の3男。「8日のイースター祭りと折り紙でコマを作る」に子供3人参加した。元々コアラは知っていた、興味はあったが曜日が合わず、他のサークルに入っていた。国際交流がしたい。
*青木さん&うたや君 パンフレットで知った。英語を思い出せたらいいな~。 写真を撮るのが好きです。
*須永さん&しおりちゃん 長女、長男、次女と続けて5年目です。写真係。工作が得意。
*布施さん 子供二人が卒業。アメリカの高校、オーストラリアの大学を卒業。英語教室を主宰している。コアラが好きなので時々英語の手伝いに来ている。
高橋さん、米倉さん、青木さん、ブープさん ようこそ 「コアラ」へ。
A New term started in April.
1)name 2)how did you learn about Koala? 3)how can you help Koala? 4)what activities you are interested in doing at Koala?
*Ms. Kogiso & Eri joined Koala from Sept. Lived in California for two years. Be in charge of mailing. Want to have an international events.
(Koala has been held both Japanese and foreign events. [What is your country like? teach us OO san!] were conducted about 30 countries so far. We also enjoyed the world ethnic costume fashion show. Let's do this again. Koala was awarded a top prize for the child rearing support group organized by Kanagawa Prefecture on Dec. 2019. I had a chance to talk with Mayer Kuroiwa.
*Ms. B & Erica, Fumika Their papa is German. Search on Web.
*Ms. Yonekura & Mio Mio's papa is German. Takatsu ward office introduced Koala as an International child rearing group. Husband goes to Germany in June and they will go there in Oct. She has never been to foreign country so she feels uneasy living in Germany. Need some information.
(You are lucky. your status as same as Bup san. Some of Koala members were international marriage. I'll talk about them later.)
*Ms. Takahashi & Tomoya-my number three son. Found Koala by searching the internet before but joined another group, but couldn't forget this group. International/intercultural fairs and events.
(Due to COVID19, Japan refuses foreign visitors entry into a country so that there are few foreign mother in the process of raising a child. Vice president and two volunteer staff are foreigners.)
* Ms. Aoki & Utaya By the leaflet. She wish she was remember English. Love to take photos.
*Ms. Sunaga & Shiori Belong to Koala for five years from her elder daughter. Be in charge of a photograph. Good at handcraft.
*Ms. Fuse children are alumni of Koala. Graduated American high school and Australian University. Run English class by herself. Visit to Koala sometime because she likes Koala.
(We got her to have a fun event like "Play in English!")
**President: Yonezawa Etsuko
I founded "International Mothers and Infants Cross Cultural Group KOALA" in 1996. I've been teaching Japanese language since 1990. They just married their loved ones and probably never thought that they'd have to come to Japan. But now that they have to live in Japan, they must learn about the country in order to get along. This becomes more difficult after having a baby. They may become isolated from society. As they interact with Japanese Mama, they learn Japanese culture and custom. There are many advantage for Japanese too.
The founder (myself) will be in charge of behind-the-scenes tasks, such as submitting documents and communicating with external organizations. The fun events will be planned by the participating young mothers. So, we have no yearly schedule. It's fun to be in charge of events and move others yourself. Your experience shall become especially memorable.
** Vice president: Fujiwara Kinpou(Chinese)
She might not show up until July because of a heavy fever sufferer. She is good at cooking and used to bring Chinese dishes at the potluck party.
**Volunteer staff: Belen Nakano (Philippine)
Child is an alumni of Koala. He is a student of university. Take care of Philippino families and helps out with English activities. She loves children. A devout Christian so can offer prayers to pregnant members approaching their babies' due dates.
**Volunteer staff: Rynet Imai (Cambodia)
Children are alumni of Koala. They are primary school pupils. Takes care of Cambodian families, can introduce cultures of Cambodia and Saudi Arabia.
2021 New Charge;
Membership list: Kogiso san
Photo: Sunaga san and Aoki san
Birthday: Yonekura san
Thank you for your cooperation.
Annual Fee: 500yen
Next event will be "Let's make a Carp Streamer"
Takahashi san, Yonekura san, Aoki san and Bup san. Welcome to KOALA!