
11月4日感謝の日と一品持ち寄りの報告(Thanks Giving Day and Potluck party)


今日のイベントは”Thanks Giving Day" 担当の小木曾さんが説明して下さいました。 


アメリカやカナダでは祝日です。(木、金、土、日の4日間が祝日になります。)金曜日はBlack Friday と言いお店で大バーゲンが始まります。Halloween ~ Thanks Giving Day ~ Christmas になります。




@もともとイギリスからアメリカに渡ったpilgrimと呼ばれる人たちの初めての収穫を神に感謝したことが起源とされる。 この日はターキーを食べる日、今ではいろいろなご馳走があります。


あら!!全員がお菓子ですね。 私、米澤は一口サイズに包んだ炊き込みご飯を持ってきました。5年ぶりに副代表の藤原錦芳さんがコアラに戻ってきてくださいました。 

彼女の得意な料理 : 中華海鮮おかゆ、酢豚、魚の料理を沢山作って持って来て下さいました。お金を気にせず作られているので本当に美味しいです。栄養豊富です。






ベリンダ タンさん ようこそコアラへ!


We spread mats on the floor and disinfected as usual and also prepared toys for children.

Today's event was "Thanks Giving Day" which was in charge of Kogiso san.  She explained what is Thanks Giving Day mean.

This year’s Thanks Giving Days will be Nov. 25 Thursday.  It is a holiday in U.S. and Canada. (Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. are holidays)  Black Friday will have a big bargain day. Halloween ~ Thanks Giving Day ~ Christmas

What are you doing?

*Thanks to God for autumn harvesting and hold a feast.  *It is a day that all family members get together to eat foods.  @The origin of that goes back to Pilgrim people came from England to America.  They arrived a new land America and first harvesting were offered for God.  They used to eat a turkey. 

Let's have a sumptuous meal that we brought in, with thanks for our daily activities.

Oh, dear!  All confectionery?!  I brought a bite size Onigiri that was rice seasoned with soy sauce and boiled with meat and other savory vegetables.

Vice President, Fujiwara san returned to Koala since five years.  Welcome back!!  Her favorit cooking: Chinese seafood rice porridge, sweet-and-sour pork and a fish dish were contributed by her.   She doesn't worry about the cost when she cooks that it is so delicious and rich nutrition.

Children asked for another portion of the rice porridge.  You know what?  We had gorgeous Chinese food for lunch.   Thank you very much for a wonderful meal.  We shared a meal and confectionery to the staff too.

New member:

Belinda Tan san     Welcome to Koala!