
7月28日人形劇の報告(The Puppet Show)






0歳児向けで、初回からやってもらっています。 音楽だけで猫とボールの色が変わっていきます。 子供達は目を凝らして見ていました。 卒業生のけい君は覚えていたようです。  


劇団員手作りのお人形・おおかみ、うさぎ、ぶた、きつね、たぬき の物語。終わって人形と触れ合う時間を作って下さいました。


くま吉さんは大きなスイカを作りました。 食べきれないのでメリーさんに半分あげました。 メリーさんはうさぎさんに半分あげました。 うさぎさんはリスさんに半分あげました。 最後はありさんに半分あげました。 皆でスイカ食べ終わりました。



子どもたちの手を消毒して「コアラのマーチ」をあげました。 卒業生のTさんも差し入れのお菓子を持って来て下さいました。 ありがとうございました。

新しい係り: Yさん

新規登録者の案内・集金とお誕生日係をお願いしました。 よろしくお願いします。

新入会: Iさん

メキシコ出身 メキシコと日本のハーフ スペイン語、英語、日本語が可能です。



*人形劇まつり in 川崎市民プラザ(9/25) 




*赤ちゃんを産んだ後、女性ホルモンが大きく変化します。 子供を守るホルモンが働き、パパが疎ましく感じられる事があります。 




Schools and pre-schools are in Summer holiday.  Member's sibling and graduate participated to the event.  I got emails from member, "We were looking forward to see the puppet show but my child get sick.  We are sorry!".

We had the puppet show since three years.  Koala has been known DONGURI Company more than 20 years.  I asked them to perform for 0~3 years old program every time.

1, A cat and a ball

Koala really needs this performance for babies.  A cat and a ball have been changing by scenery.  There were no word but music.  Children fixed their eyes upon a cat and a ball.  Kei, graduate, remembered this scene.

2, mini story (for preparation next stage)

Handmade doll like Wolf, Rabbit, Pig, Fox and Raccoon were playing.  They gave our children a hand-on experience with dolls.

3, Half

Mr. Bear made a big water melon.  He gave a half of it to Ms. Goat.  Ms. Goat gave a half of it to Ms. Rabbit.  Ms. Rabbit gave a half of it to Mr. Squirrel.  Mr. Squirrel gave a half of it to ants. All were eaten.  Children watched performance with merrily.  The water melon was so real that children asked to give.

Tea Time:

I sterilized children's hands, then give them the sweet "KOALA NO MARCH".  T san, graduate, contributed sweets for children.  Thank you very much.

New Charge: Y san

In charge of new comer's guide and birthday party.  Thanks!

New member: I san    Welcome to KOALA!

Mexican/Japanese   She is available Spanish, English and Japanese.

Koala foreign members came from 40 countries starting Philippine to Mongol so far. And added Mexico is 41 countries now.


* The puppet show Festival in Kawasaki Shimin Plaza Sept 25.  I keep this leaflet.  I'll give you this on Sept. 8.

* It is said children get grow taller in summer.  Babies and Infants get grow on their function of control temperature and develop brain.  It is important to give them experience of the heat summer and heat air even in 30 minutes.

* After delivered a baby, woman's hormone has been changed.  The hormone woks to protect a baby.  You may feel annoying your husband.  It's because woman hormone.  According to the statistics, young couple who are raising 0~3 years old, divorce at a high rate.  Don't suffer from family discord.  Ask us.  Send us by G-mail. Ms. Sasama and I will talk with you over the matter.  We are much older and more experienced than you.  Please rely on us!

Reporter: Yonezawa