Yさんー1歳5か月男児。 1年前に広報誌でコアラを知った。 昨年盆踊りを企画。いろんな国について知りたい。 *新しいチラシはYさんに作ってもらいました。*お誕生日係と集金係を担当。
Mさんー11か月男児。保育園で慣らし保育中。木曜日休みなので参加。 昨年11月グランドツリーでコアラの活動を見た。 趣味は海外旅行。国際交流が好きなので子供にも機会を与えたい。雑用でも何でもOK。イースター祭り、クリスマスのイベントをやってみたい。
Mさんー2歳男児。昨年子供支援センターでコアラを知った。 趣味はお出かけ、ほとんど家にいない。国際文化を知りたい。 *写真係 *今まで41か国の親子が参加している。「あなたの国はどんな国?教えて」を企画しています。
Pさんー2歳男児。パパがアメリカ人なので英語も話します。 区役所で「知りたいな~子育てグループ」を見た。季節のイベントや海外の行事をやって欲しい。 *写真係
Fさんーボランティア 子供がコアラ卒業生。もう6年生になる。オーストラリアとアメリカの大学を出ているので「英語であそぼう!」を企画できる。
Sさん―ボランティア。 英語の先生。 困っている人を助けたい!相談して欲しい。と入会。
We had been taken the necessary corrective measures to prevent Corona virus for three years, but we don't need to write from now on. And we are free from wearing mask.
【Orientation and Self introduction】
Ms. Y- 1.5-year-old boy. Posting Ad. Planed Bon dance last year. Want to know various countries. *Making new leaflet. currently in charge of Birthday and collecting fee.
Ms. M- 11months boy. nursery school. Thursday off. Saw Koala Event at Grand Tree in Nov. last year. Oversea travelling. like international exchange. give an opportunity to my son. Easter, Christmas party.
Ms. F- 11 months boy. return to work and son is in nursery school. introduced from mother-in-law who is Yonezawa San's friend. Moving body like Bon dance etc.
Ms. I- 1.4-year-old girl. Introduced from Koala member. Can do Rhythmics exercise.
Ms. M- 2 years old boy. child support center. love outside activities. want to know international understanding. * Currently in charge of photo. *Participated 41 countries so far. *held "what is your country like?"
Ms. P- 2 years old boy who can speak English because of his father American. "Want to know child rearing group". seasonal event and overseas event. *Currently in charge of photo.
Ms. S- 2 years old girl. A posting at Nakahara ward office. Travel. Want to hear foreign music.
Ms. Y- 1.7-years-old-boy. Koala is comfortable circle. An information bulletin. Get my son to hear different language. Craft for children. Glad to see children get along together just fine. Want to know foreign events.
Ms. K- 8 months girl. information bulletin. International exchange.
Ms. O- 2.7-year-old-girl. moved in Nakahara. Introduced by Ms. I. International exchange. Love hot spring.
Ms. F- volunteer. children are an alumnus of Koala. graduated from Australia and USA universities. Can do "Let's play in English".
Ms. S- volunteer. Came to Japan from Indonesia last year. Rizza san introduced. Four children from 17 years old to 5 years old. Good morning in Indonesian is "Sara mapagi". We repeated.
Yonezawa- Established Koala 27 years ago. Foreign women just married their loved ones and probably never thought that they would have to come to Japan. But now that they have to live in Japan, they must learn about the country in order to get along. This becomes more difficult after having a baby. They may become isolated from society. I wish everyone will feel "I'm glad I came to Japan!" and spend their time here in smiles. I am also Japanese volunteer teacher. I act as a kind of bridge between Japanese class and Koala group, and I have to understand both sides.
Fujiwara- Vice president of Koala. Chinese. Have been helping Koala for about 20 years. Chinese cooking is professional. Members looked forward to having her cooking so that she postponed going back to China. *Koala graduates and Japanese class students from Philippine, Cambodia, Taiwan and India are volunteer staff.
Ms. S-volunteer. English teacher. Want to help women who are facing difficulties. consult her.
@ I will write member's name initials include self-introduction, in charge of event and new members.
@ I will buy sweets for children from annual fee budget.
@ Volunteer staff don't need to pay annual fee.
New member:
Ms. O, Ms. S and Ms. K Welcome to Koala!!
Reporter: Yonezawa