These information come from Kanagawa International Foundation.
* 多言語医療問診票 (もし病気になったら役に立ちますのでプリントして下さい)
Medical Examination by interview list by different languages. (If you get sick, this list would help you.)
* 家を借りて住んでいる外国人
Information for foreigner who rent an apartment.
英語 English http://m.r.cbz.jp/xquu6977/msbe
中国語 Chinese http://m.r.cbz.jp/xquu6977/evgs
韓国語 Korean http://m.r.cbz.jp/xquu6977/euav
スペイン語 Spanish http://m.r.cbz.jp/xquu6977/9bgn
ポルトガル語 Portuguese http://m.r.cbz.jp/xquu6977/swqr
特別) 外国につながる子供の就学前支援を考えるフォーラム(Think about children before entering school, linked to foreign countries.)
小学校に入学する前の5~6歳児を対象に「プレスクール」を作り、外国につながる子供たちに日本の習慣、文化、学校生活などを教えている市がありました。 残念ながら川崎市はありません。
*日本国籍を持っている子供だけが義務教育の対象となっています。 外国籍の子供は「就学案内」という日本人家庭とは異なる文書が送られる。
「すべての子供が教育を受ける権利を保障しています。 外国につながる子供も日本社会の将来を担う大切な人材です。」
*日本語でテレビを見ていない場合もあります。 子供の言語環境など知りたい。
*割り算の答えの導き方や、分数の読み方の順番も異なる国があります。 家庭で保護者が教える方法と違うため混乱することがある。
*お弁当の中身や香りが違うことがいじめの原因になることもあるので、戸惑っている保護者がいます。 料理が得意なのに、日本風のおかずの作り方が分からないからと冷凍食品しか使わないお母さんもいます。
*「義務教育は無償」と思っている外国人保護者もいる。 授業料は無償だが給食費や行事にかかる費用は負担する。
*小学校で順調に進級しているため問題なく勉強が出来ていると勘違いしている保護者がいる。 小・中学校では落第制度はない。
困ったことがあったら、一人で悩まず回りの友達や日本人に聞いて下さい。 県や市の教育相談窓口に相談してください。 コアラに来ていた人や米澤代表を知っている人は電話(044-722-7981)して下さい。 必ず、解決します。
I attended the forum "Think about how to support the children before entering school, linked to foreign countries" by Kanagawa International Foundation.
Some cities provide "Preschool" for 5~6 years old children before entering school, linked to foreign countries. The staff teach them about Japanese custom, culture and school life. Kawasaki city doesn't have preschool yet.
What kind of problems are they facing when they enter Japanese primary school?
~ How can we support them? ~
* Children are coming and going between parent's country and Japan. Whenever they come, they have to change the school. It causes delay of learning and unstable.
* Children don't know needful Japanese at the school life.
* Children don't have reading and hearing customs by parents so that they are not popular with the story book, even a Manga(comic).
* Parents who can speak Japanese but are not good at Japanese reading and writing.
* Parents have anxiety about bully at the school.
* Children are given compulsory education that have Japanese nationality and children who have foreign nationality are given "the enter school guidance" that is different from Japanese family by Japanese education law.
We assure that all children have the right to get their education. Children who linked to foreign countries are also carrying future Japanese society on their shoulders. They are precious people as same as Japanese.
* A school teacher wants to know parent's proficiency in Japanese and they have reliable friends and an acquaintance or have not.
* A teacher wants you to understand the current of school life in Japan (events, schedule, purchase, pay to school) etc.
* They've never heard of the words "zetken" "zoukin" "fudebako" "shitajiki" are taught in the Roman alphabet.
* Parents and children don't know the dress code at the entrance ceremony are embarrassed wearing their casual wear.
* Be punctual, Japanese events start as per schedule on time.
* Children don't understand teacher's instruction and imitate other children among group activity.
* Children don't watch TV in Japanese. Teacher wants to know their situation.
* Parents always worry about unfamiliar Japanese school words like "jikanwari" "mochimono" "gyouji" "tougekou no annai" etc.
* Required to show them the actual article of "gyouchu kensa=thread worm examination" "nyou kensa= urinalysis" and explain the purpose of it.
* Foreigners are imperfect of understanding of "baiu(the rainy season)=warning food poisoning in high humidity." "fuyu(winter)=easy to get cold because of dryness.
* Children know "kuruma(car)" "mushi(insect)" but can't connect to "jidousha(car)" and "konnchu(insect)".
* Children know the word of "Oshougatu" but they don't know about new year's greeting, diet, custom and the twelve zodiac signs.
* At arithmetic, children are good at numbers although they can't use their imagination on the sentence.
* It is different way to steer the answer of division and fraction as per country. If you teach them in your way, child would confuse the division and fraction.
* Parents become confused about OBENTO(lunch box) that is different from Japanese in the contents and smells of the obento. Mama is good at cooking though she use only frozen food because she doesn't know how to cook Japanese dish.
* Children say to parents not to come to the school because of their poor Japanese. Since parents don't know Japanese society well, children lose respects toward their parents. It could happen to reverse the power balance among child and parents.
* Japanese get various information on child care and education through child care magazine, TV program, direct mail and exchange information among mamas. Those Japanese information hardly at all reach foreigner.
* Parents don't know which printed sheets from school is important. They don't submit the paper to a teacher or throw away.
* Foreign parents believe "Compulsory education is free of charge". The tuition fee is free but you have to pay child's school lunch and event expense.
* The Japanese education system is 6-3-3-4 period. The Junior high school requires school uniform and join after school activity. Obento needs depend on regions.
* Parents misunderstand their children to catch up with the class and pass on to the upper grade smoothly. There is not failure system in a primary school and a junior high school.
* It is very important to get a grounding in achievement at a primary school. If not, there are education consultation for foreigner.
* The number of children have been increasing who were born in Japan and have never been staying in parent's country.
If you have trouble, don't worry by yourselves, ask your friends and Japanese. Or consult to Education counseling at the prefecture and the city.
If you know me (Koala leader Yonezawa 044-722-7981), please call. Let's resolve your trouble together.
小学校に入学する前の5~6歳児を対象に「プレスクール」を作り、外国につながる子供たちに日本の習慣、文化、学校生活などを教えている市がありました。 残念ながら川崎市はありません。
*日本国籍を持っている子供だけが義務教育の対象となっています。 外国籍の子供は「就学案内」という日本人家庭とは異なる文書が送られる。
「すべての子供が教育を受ける権利を保障しています。 外国につながる子供も日本社会の将来を担う大切な人材です。」
*日本語でテレビを見ていない場合もあります。 子供の言語環境など知りたい。
*割り算の答えの導き方や、分数の読み方の順番も異なる国があります。 家庭で保護者が教える方法と違うため混乱することがある。
*お弁当の中身や香りが違うことがいじめの原因になることもあるので、戸惑っている保護者がいます。 料理が得意なのに、日本風のおかずの作り方が分からないからと冷凍食品しか使わないお母さんもいます。
*「義務教育は無償」と思っている外国人保護者もいる。 授業料は無償だが給食費や行事にかかる費用は負担する。
*小学校で順調に進級しているため問題なく勉強が出来ていると勘違いしている保護者がいる。 小・中学校では落第制度はない。
困ったことがあったら、一人で悩まず回りの友達や日本人に聞いて下さい。 県や市の教育相談窓口に相談してください。 コアラに来ていた人や米澤代表を知っている人は電話(044-722-7981)して下さい。 必ず、解決します。
I attended the forum "Think about how to support the children before entering school, linked to foreign countries" by Kanagawa International Foundation.
Some cities provide "Preschool" for 5~6 years old children before entering school, linked to foreign countries. The staff teach them about Japanese custom, culture and school life. Kawasaki city doesn't have preschool yet.
What kind of problems are they facing when they enter Japanese primary school?
~ How can we support them? ~
* Children are coming and going between parent's country and Japan. Whenever they come, they have to change the school. It causes delay of learning and unstable.
* Children don't know needful Japanese at the school life.
* Children don't have reading and hearing customs by parents so that they are not popular with the story book, even a Manga(comic).
* Parents who can speak Japanese but are not good at Japanese reading and writing.
* Parents have anxiety about bully at the school.
* Children are given compulsory education that have Japanese nationality and children who have foreign nationality are given "the enter school guidance" that is different from Japanese family by Japanese education law.
We assure that all children have the right to get their education. Children who linked to foreign countries are also carrying future Japanese society on their shoulders. They are precious people as same as Japanese.
* A school teacher wants to know parent's proficiency in Japanese and they have reliable friends and an acquaintance or have not.
* A teacher wants you to understand the current of school life in Japan (events, schedule, purchase, pay to school) etc.
* They've never heard of the words "zetken" "zoukin" "fudebako" "shitajiki" are taught in the Roman alphabet.
* Parents and children don't know the dress code at the entrance ceremony are embarrassed wearing their casual wear.
* Be punctual, Japanese events start as per schedule on time.
* Children don't understand teacher's instruction and imitate other children among group activity.
* Children don't watch TV in Japanese. Teacher wants to know their situation.
* Parents always worry about unfamiliar Japanese school words like "jikanwari" "mochimono" "gyouji" "tougekou no annai" etc.
* Required to show them the actual article of "gyouchu kensa=thread worm examination" "nyou kensa= urinalysis" and explain the purpose of it.
* Foreigners are imperfect of understanding of "baiu(the rainy season)=warning food poisoning in high humidity." "fuyu(winter)=easy to get cold because of dryness.
* Children know "kuruma(car)" "mushi(insect)" but can't connect to "jidousha(car)" and "konnchu(insect)".
* Children know the word of "Oshougatu" but they don't know about new year's greeting, diet, custom and the twelve zodiac signs.
* At arithmetic, children are good at numbers although they can't use their imagination on the sentence.
* It is different way to steer the answer of division and fraction as per country. If you teach them in your way, child would confuse the division and fraction.
* Parents become confused about OBENTO(lunch box) that is different from Japanese in the contents and smells of the obento. Mama is good at cooking though she use only frozen food because she doesn't know how to cook Japanese dish.
* Children say to parents not to come to the school because of their poor Japanese. Since parents don't know Japanese society well, children lose respects toward their parents. It could happen to reverse the power balance among child and parents.
* Japanese get various information on child care and education through child care magazine, TV program, direct mail and exchange information among mamas. Those Japanese information hardly at all reach foreigner.
* Parents don't know which printed sheets from school is important. They don't submit the paper to a teacher or throw away.
* Foreign parents believe "Compulsory education is free of charge". The tuition fee is free but you have to pay child's school lunch and event expense.
* The Japanese education system is 6-3-3-4 period. The Junior high school requires school uniform and join after school activity. Obento needs depend on regions.
* Parents misunderstand their children to catch up with the class and pass on to the upper grade smoothly. There is not failure system in a primary school and a junior high school.
* It is very important to get a grounding in achievement at a primary school. If not, there are education consultation for foreigner.
* The number of children have been increasing who were born in Japan and have never been staying in parent's country.
If you have trouble, don't worry by yourselves, ask your friends and Japanese. Or consult to Education counseling at the prefecture and the city.
If you know me (Koala leader Yonezawa 044-722-7981), please call. Let's resolve your trouble together.
12月6日クリスマス会の報告(Christmas Party)
コアラでは一足早くクリスマス会を行いました。 参加費無料でプレゼントが貰えて料理も食べられる素晴らしいクリスマス会でした。
1ヶ月前に注文したクリスマスツリーのクッキーが「おかしの工房しいの実」さんより届けられています。 これは長濱和枝さんからコアラの子供たちへクリスマスプレセントです。 以前は参加費として300円もらっていましたが今年は無料です。 「メリークリスマス!!(´∇`)<Merry☆Christmas」と言いながら子供達一人一人にクッキーを渡しました。 長濱和枝さん、有難うございました。 子供たちはとても嬉しそうでした。 御礼の色紙はクリスティーナさんが書いてくれますので、しばらくお待ちください。
「クリスマスパーティなのに料理がないのは淋しいよ~」と中国人会員の藤原さん、陸さん、小嶋さん、廣さん、田さん、渡邊さん、練さんとお婆ちゃん、深沢さん、フィリピン会員のマリーナさん、マリベスさんと日本から首藤さんと米澤代表が料理を作って持ってきました。 朝早くから起きて料理を作ってくれたのですね。 お疲れ様でした。 会員たちは「うわ~、懐かしい中国の味!」「すごく美味しい。どうやって作ったの?」「こんなに沢山作ってくれて有難う ♡」とニコニコ笑顔でお腹いっぱい食べました。 有難うございました。 彼女たち、料理のボランティアは「コアラを楽しい場所にしたい。コアラ大好き!」と自発的に料理を作ることにしたそうです。 感動しました。 ヽ(;▽;)
参加者は日本人母子13組と外国人母子21組、中国のお婆ちゃんとお爺ちゃんも加わって70名でした。 部屋が熱気でムンムン、暑かったね。
小嶋 ゆうき君 3歳、 牧 だいき君2歳 お誕生日おめでとうございます。 コアラよりお誕生日カードをあげます。 皆で「ハッピーバースデー」の歌を歌いましょう。 (*゚▽゚*)
本日入会;稲垣さん そして見学者2名 ようこそコアラへ。
Koala had an early Christmas party. Koala children got a present from Santa Claus and members had lunch at the party free of charge. What a wonderful Koala Christmas party was!
We decorated a Christmas ornaments. Origami Santa were also stuck on the wall. How about a sense of decoration? They did very good job. Mamas took a photograph of their lovely children. It seemed to me that mamas would take a photograph intently.
I ordered Christmas tree shaped cookie a month ago. It was delivered by "Okashi no Koubo Shiinomi". These are Christmas present to Koala children by Mrs. Kazue Nagahama. Koala used to get 300yen for participation fee. I gave chookie to children instead of Kazue san saying, "Merry Christmas to you!" We would like to express to Ms. Kazue Nagahama our deepest gratitude for giving us Christmas presents. Children looked so happy. Thank you note will be made by Kristina san. Please wait for a while.
"We feel sorry there is nothing to eat at Xmas party!!" Then, Fujiwara san, Riku san, Kojima san, Kou san, Den san, Watanabe san, Ren san and her mother in law, Fukazawa san from China, Marina san, Marcbeth san from Philippine and Shudo san and Yonezawa from Japan bought foods in. All of you have cooked since early in the morning. Thank you for your efforts. Members said "Oh, I miss this Chinese taste." "This cuisine reminds me of my mother and China." "Wow, delicious meal! How do you cook them?" "Thank you for cooking so many dishes." Everyone has eaten sufficiently. Thank you. We are very happy today.
The cooking volunteers decided to serve for Koala president Yonezawa san who have been running Koala for foreigner. They said, "We hope Koala would be more pleasant place and love Koala activities very much." Yes, your volunteer spirits and words moved me to tears. (つд⊂)
Participants were 13 couples of Japanese mama and child and 21 couples of foreigner. Chinese grand mama and grand papa also joined and totaled 70 people. The party was filled with excitement and became hot.
December's Birthday Party;
Yuuki Kojima 3 years old boy and Daiki Maki 2 years old boy. Happy Birthday to you! Koala group gives you the Birthday Card. Let's sing "Happy Birthday" song for them together. (*゚▽゚*)
New entry; Inagaki san and two visitors. Welcome to Koala!
投稿 (Atom)