米澤代表が鯉のぼりの作り方を教えました。 2種類の鯉のぼりを作りました。 5月5日が子供の日ですのでそれまで飾っておいて下さい。
** 夏休み特別イベント **
場所:川崎区鈴木町1 (京急川崎駅から大師線 「鈴木町駅」下車)
Only 8 couples of Mom and Child were participated because of the Golden week. Some members tripped with their families.
Yonezawa leader taught how to make a carp-shaped streamer using Origami. We made two different type of them. Children's day is May 5.
** Summer Special Koala event **
Decided to visit Ajinimoto KK. Kawasaki factory.
Time: August 29 Thursday 10:30~
Place: Kawasaki ku, suzukichou 1
Recruit: 25 persons
Please apply to Koala leader if you want to join this event.