今日は暖かいと言うより暑い25℃でピクニック日和。 20分前に自治会館前広場に行きましたが、もうすでに他の団体がブルーシートやテントで場所を確保していました。 コアラ卒業生(3歳以上)7人、見学者(1歳未満)6人と現会員の母子で総勢45名と大人数のお花見会になりました。
「子育てグループ知りたいな~」で説明した松島さんが司会をして参加者全員に簡単な自己紹介をして貰いました。 次回4月5日のオリエンテーションでコアラの歴史など詳しく説明します。
ランチタイムではマカロニサラダ、スポンジケーキ、苺、いなりずし、辛子こんにゃく、お菓子など皆でおすそ分けしながら頂きました。 朝早くから会員の為に作られたのですね。 差し入れを有難うございました。 皆で美味しくいただきました。
やはり卒業生のお姉さんやお兄さんが来てくれると活気が出ますね。 はりきり過ぎて転んで泣いている子供もいました。
The temperature was in the 25 degree. It was hot rather than warm day today and good for a picnic. I went to JICHIKAIKAN open space at 10:40am. Other groups had already occupied the space by blue tarps and tent. We had a big party of 45 people since Koala graduates (more than 3 years old) 7 children, visitors (under 1 year old) 6 babies and Koala members got together.
Matsushima san who explained "Want to know child rearing group" took a chair for self-introduction one by one. I will explain Koala history at the next orientation on April 5.
At the lunch time, members shared with all participants some Macaroni salad, Sponge cake, Strawberry, Inarizushi;flavored boiled rice wrapped in fried bean curd, Mustard konjac and sweets. You made delicious food from the early morning for us, didn't you. Thank you for sharing. All of them were so delicious.
Children were running around the space puring with sweat after a full belly.
Big sisters and brothers made them liven up. Some children had a tumble and cried.
「子育てグループ知りたいな~」で説明した松島さんが司会をして参加者全員に簡単な自己紹介をして貰いました。 次回4月5日のオリエンテーションでコアラの歴史など詳しく説明します。
ランチタイムではマカロニサラダ、スポンジケーキ、苺、いなりずし、辛子こんにゃく、お菓子など皆でおすそ分けしながら頂きました。 朝早くから会員の為に作られたのですね。 差し入れを有難うございました。 皆で美味しくいただきました。
やはり卒業生のお姉さんやお兄さんが来てくれると活気が出ますね。 はりきり過ぎて転んで泣いている子供もいました。
The temperature was in the 25 degree. It was hot rather than warm day today and good for a picnic. I went to JICHIKAIKAN open space at 10:40am. Other groups had already occupied the space by blue tarps and tent. We had a big party of 45 people since Koala graduates (more than 3 years old) 7 children, visitors (under 1 year old) 6 babies and Koala members got together.
Matsushima san who explained "Want to know child rearing group" took a chair for self-introduction one by one. I will explain Koala history at the next orientation on April 5.
At the lunch time, members shared with all participants some Macaroni salad, Sponge cake, Strawberry, Inarizushi;flavored boiled rice wrapped in fried bean curd, Mustard konjac and sweets. You made delicious food from the early morning for us, didn't you. Thank you for sharing. All of them were so delicious.
Children were running around the space puring with sweat after a full belly.
Big sisters and brothers made them liven up. Some children had a tumble and cried.