
10月24日ハロウィーンパーティの報告(Halloween Party)

ハロウィーンの飾りを壁に飾りました。 ハロウィーンパーティ会場らしくなりました。
子供達はそれぞれハロウィーンコスチュームで参加しました。 どの子供もとても可愛いですね~♡ ♡ ♡ ママ達は子供の写真を撮るのに一生懸命です。 

Trick or treatと言うとお菓子が貰えます。
係の山田さんが小さい子用と大きい子用のお菓子を準備して下さいました。 これは長濱和枝さんの寄付ですのでお礼の色紙をまとめてもらいます。 山田さん、ありがとうございます。


ランチの前に「英語であそぼう!」係の高橋さん指導のもと、皆で2曲の手遊び歌をしました。 少しお腹が空いたかな??

皆さんの試着姿は良く似合っていました。 素敵~!!

彼女はモロッコ人で母国で俳優をしていました。 現在、幼稚園の先生です。
ナディアさんの提案でモロッコ、バーレーン、サウジアラビアは同じイスラムの国で挨拶の言葉が同じなので3か国一緒にした方が良いのでは? 時間短縮にもなる。


いつもの様にお世話になっている福祉パルの方にも持ち寄りランチのお裾分けをしました。 とても喜んでおられましたよ。

髙杉さん ようこそコアラへ

We decorated the Halloween ornaments on the wall.  Those made the room look more  Halloween Party site.
Various foods put on the table because of potluck party.  Children participated with Halloween costume.  Every children were so cute.  Mothers were keen to take their child photos.  We took a group photograph before children got tired.

Children got sweets when they said "Trick or Treat".  Yamada san who was in charge of this event, prepared sweets for little children and elders.  These sweets were donated by Ms. Kazue Nagahama so that we wrote thanks memo to her. 
Thanks, Yamada san for your assistance.

Halloween Costume Prize;
Shun: Tramp soldier (his mom's hand-made costume.  Great!)
Mio: Princes (her wish)
Mio: Supper Girl (her brother won a prize as "Spider man" two years ago.

Takahashi san took the lead of a song using hand-gestures before lunch.  Did you feel hungry?  Now, let's have our lunch together.

The World Ethnic Costume Fashion Show on Nov. 24.
* Sasamoto san said she is short.  She will wear Cambodian clothes.
* Takasugi san is tall.  She is going to wear Africa, Senegal clothes.
* Miyajima san is slim but she looks good on her with an orange African dress.
* Sonoda san is used to wear a plain dress so that I recommended a colorful Indian dress.
All were looking good on you!  Beautiful!!
Participants in this year: Japanese 10, Foreigner 11 (only adult)

@ Nadia san graduated from Koala more than a decade ago, came to Koala.
She was an actress in Morocco and now a nursery school teacher in Japan.
She will attend our event with her two daughters.  Also she will bring a friend from Bahrain.  So that, total of 12 countries.
Nadia san's idea: Morocco, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia belong to Islamic countries and have the same greeting.  Three countries get together on the stage and say a few words.
That make time saving.

@ Rabab san came to Koala with her daughter's used toys for donation.

We shared our lunch to the staff of Fukushi Pal as usual. They were pleased to have them.

New member;
Takasugi san, Welcome to Koala!


情報)幼稚園など無料になる(Learn about free early childhood education and care)

There will be no fees for Kindergarten, Day care centers and centers for early childhood education and care for ages 3 to 5.

The new system will be implemented from Oct. 2019.

●来年(らいねん)の 4月から 子どもを 保育園(ほいくえん)や 幼稚園(ようちえん)に 入れたい 親は、役所(やくしょ)に 申し込みをして ください。申し込みは だいたい 10月です。役所(やくしょ)に 聞いて ください。

The parents who want to send child to Hoikuen, Youchien from April next year, ask the Kuyakusho.  You have to prepare the necessary documents for that procedure.

こちらも 読んで ください。CLAIR

Easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, German,Vietnamese, French, Russia, Indonesian, Thai, Myanmar

2019年 10月から、3才から 5才までの 子どもは 保育園(ほいくえん)、幼稚園(ようちえん)、認定(にんてい)こども園(えん)などが 無料(むりょう)に なりました。あなたの 家の 近くの 役所(やくしょ)か、今、子どもが かよっている 保育園(ほいくえん)などに 聞いて ください。

 Children from 3~5 year-old in Hoikuen, Youchien and Nintei Hoikuen fee is free from Oct. 2019.
Ask the detail at Kuyakusho or Hoikuen.

こちらも 読んで ください。くにの サイト



10月3日フィリピンってどんな国?教えてライザさん!の報告(What is the Philippine like?)

コアラの会を始める前にいつもの "Hello, How are you?"と "Head shoulder knees and toes"で体を動かしました。


*フィリピン共和国は7,641の島々から成り立っています。 主にルソン島、ビサヤ諸島、ミンダナオ島です。
*国土は3,000 square kilometer
*ライザさんの出身地はカガヤン デ オロ(ミンダナオ島)
*カガヤン デ オロからセブまで船で10時間、飛行機で40分、セブからマニラまで飛行機で1時間半かかる。

*以前、フィリピン語はマレーシア語やインドネシア語の影響を受けていた。 英語を採用してからFILIPINOに名前が変えられた。
*FILIPINO はフィリピン語、フィリピン人に使う。

*ペソ 1,000円=500ペソ。 日本円の約半分 

*乾季(12月~5月) 3月から5月までは38℃で暑い、海に行く。台風シーズン。
*セブ島は28℃ 成田空港~セブ島行きの直航便がある。ビーチや食べ物が有名


*ジーピー(ジープ)はどこでも止まってくれる。 降りたい時、「パラ~」と叩くと止ま
 る。 日本の様に押しブザーはない。 


*緑色のバナナは煮て食べる。 春巻きに使う。コンデンスミルク、ココナツミルクで

*海・ビーチ遊び。 サーフィンする人も多い。

*幼稚園入園は5歳、小学校入学は6歳から6年間、中学校は2年間、高校は4年間、 大学は4年間。

*予防接種は保健所で無料でやってくれるが平日のみ。 ほとんどの人が週末もやってくれる個人病院で予防接種を有料で受けさせている。
*子育てサークルはない。 家族で子育てする。 隣人とは良く話し、子育てのヒント

*スーパが家の近くに無いので車で遠くまで行く。 男性の仕事。
 結婚も出来る。 25歳になると自分の意思で結婚し、結婚式も演出できる。

ハロウィンのお菓子購入とお礼の色紙の準備は山田さん。 よろしくお願いします。

カイセイ君 1歳 お誕生日おめでとうございます。 コアラのお誕生日カードとコアラメダルを差し上げます。 みんなで「ハッピーバースデーの歌」を歌ってカイセイ君の成長をお祝いしましょう。 ケイ君のリクエストで2回歌いましたね。

笹本さんの3名でした。 ようこそ コアラへ!!

Before starting Koala event, we practiced "Hello, How are you?" and "Head Shoulder Knees and Toes" as usual.

   ≪What is the Philippine like?  Teach us Rizza san!≫

Introduction of country; (show a map and put pink marks on it)
* The Republic of the Philippines consist of 7,641 islands.  There are 3 islands group, Luzon, Visayans and Mindanao.
* Land area is 3,000 square kilometer.
* A capital is Manila: There are high-rise buildings, population concentration and increasing cars make a city air pollution.
* Rizza san cames from Cagayan de ORO (Mindanao).
* She used to work at Cebu city in the Visayas.
* It takes 10 hours from Cagayan de Oro to Cebu by boat and 40 minutes by air plane and one and half hours by air plane from Cebu to Manila.

* Official language is English and Tagalog.
* Mainly, Tagalog is spoken at Manila and Cebuano is spoken in Cebu and some parts of Visayas and Mindanao.
* People living to close to Malaysia, speak a different language.
* Our language before (Pilipino) was influenced by Malaysia and Indonesia.  It's name was changed to Filipino because of adopted words from the English language.
* Our land was occupied by Spain for 300 years since 1521.  Spanish King Philip was designated as "Philippines".
* FILIPINO (Language, people)

Currency; (display banknotes and coins)
* a peso   1,000yen = about 50 pesos.
* the biggest banknote is 1,000 peso.
* Coins 25, 10, 5 are called "Cent".

* Dry (Dec.~May)  It's 38 degrees from March to May.  People go to the beach.  Typhoon season.
* Temperature drops 4 degrees at the mountain side.
* Rain (June ~ Nov.)
* Cebu Island is 28 degrees. Direct air flight from Narita to Cebu.  Famous for the beach and foods.

* 80~90% of people are Roman Catholic believers.
* 5% is Islamic believers are mostly in Mindanao island.

Transportation; (show pictures of 9 different vehicles)
* Jeepney (Jeep) can stop anywhere you want to get off.  We don't have push buzzer like Japan has.
* Motorbike provides a side car.  A seat in front of bicycle.  People hang on driver of a motorbike.
* There are train too. (Manila)
* An air-conditioning bus goes into a big vessel from Manila to the Islands.

Animals; (show the pictures of 8 kinds of rare animals)
* The National bird is Eagle.
* A small animal with sticky feet is popular.

Food; (show the picture of a variety of dishes)
* A pig roasted whole is inevitable for a party. (with face) lechon.
* A fish dish is given sour flavor.
* Boil Green Banana.  Use for the spring roll.  Have it with Condense milk or Coconut
* HALO HALO  in Philippine means colorful shaved ice.

Tourist spots;
* Sea, Beach, Surfing.
* Many volcanoes but rare the hot spring.

* Enter preschool at age of 5.  Enter Primary school at age of 6.  Junior High school for 4 years and Senior High school for 2 years and University 4 years.
* Compulsory education is until Senior High school.
* The private school from preschool to Senior High school.  More than Middle class society's children are challenging to enter but only 50 students acceptable.
* Only High School students get financial support from Government.

Child rearing;
* Vaccinations are free at public health centers, but only weekday schedule.  Many go to private clinics and pay (weekend okay).
* No child rearing circle.  Family members take care of their children.  Have a good communication with neighbors and get a hint of child rearing.
* There are many events but not for children.
* Hired Nanny (a person who looks after a baby) but nowadays it is difficult to find a good nanny, so the mother quits a job and takes care of her baby at home.

* New Year (display fire works at night)
* Birthday ( Have noodles on this day and New Year's day)
* Easter, Baptism, Marriage, Christmas.
* No supermarket near my house, go there by a car.  This is men's work.
* New adults: 18 year-old.  Alcohol drinkable (no check even a boy try to buy).  Marriage is possible.  At reach 25 years old, we can get married with free will and organize our wedding party.
* only men have the formal wear (Barong)
The end・・・

Yamada san is in charge of Halloween party. 

Birthday party;
Kaisei one year old boy.  Happy Birthday to you.  Give you Koala Birthday card and Koala Medal.  Let's sing a song "Happy Birthday" together and celebrate his growth.
As requested by Kei, we sung the song twice.

Three people joined us. Yamanaka san, Sonoda san (introduced by Rizza san).  Sonoda san will be our volunteer staff.  Sasamoto san.  Welcome to Koala!