
10月24日ハロウィーンパーティの報告(Halloween Party)

ハロウィーンの飾りを壁に飾りました。 ハロウィーンパーティ会場らしくなりました。
子供達はそれぞれハロウィーンコスチュームで参加しました。 どの子供もとても可愛いですね~♡ ♡ ♡ ママ達は子供の写真を撮るのに一生懸命です。 

Trick or treatと言うとお菓子が貰えます。
係の山田さんが小さい子用と大きい子用のお菓子を準備して下さいました。 これは長濱和枝さんの寄付ですのでお礼の色紙をまとめてもらいます。 山田さん、ありがとうございます。


ランチの前に「英語であそぼう!」係の高橋さん指導のもと、皆で2曲の手遊び歌をしました。 少しお腹が空いたかな??

皆さんの試着姿は良く似合っていました。 素敵~!!

彼女はモロッコ人で母国で俳優をしていました。 現在、幼稚園の先生です。
ナディアさんの提案でモロッコ、バーレーン、サウジアラビアは同じイスラムの国で挨拶の言葉が同じなので3か国一緒にした方が良いのでは? 時間短縮にもなる。


いつもの様にお世話になっている福祉パルの方にも持ち寄りランチのお裾分けをしました。 とても喜んでおられましたよ。

髙杉さん ようこそコアラへ

We decorated the Halloween ornaments on the wall.  Those made the room look more  Halloween Party site.
Various foods put on the table because of potluck party.  Children participated with Halloween costume.  Every children were so cute.  Mothers were keen to take their child photos.  We took a group photograph before children got tired.

Children got sweets when they said "Trick or Treat".  Yamada san who was in charge of this event, prepared sweets for little children and elders.  These sweets were donated by Ms. Kazue Nagahama so that we wrote thanks memo to her. 
Thanks, Yamada san for your assistance.

Halloween Costume Prize;
Shun: Tramp soldier (his mom's hand-made costume.  Great!)
Mio: Princes (her wish)
Mio: Supper Girl (her brother won a prize as "Spider man" two years ago.

Takahashi san took the lead of a song using hand-gestures before lunch.  Did you feel hungry?  Now, let's have our lunch together.

The World Ethnic Costume Fashion Show on Nov. 24.
* Sasamoto san said she is short.  She will wear Cambodian clothes.
* Takasugi san is tall.  She is going to wear Africa, Senegal clothes.
* Miyajima san is slim but she looks good on her with an orange African dress.
* Sonoda san is used to wear a plain dress so that I recommended a colorful Indian dress.
All were looking good on you!  Beautiful!!
Participants in this year: Japanese 10, Foreigner 11 (only adult)

@ Nadia san graduated from Koala more than a decade ago, came to Koala.
She was an actress in Morocco and now a nursery school teacher in Japan.
She will attend our event with her two daughters.  Also she will bring a friend from Bahrain.  So that, total of 12 countries.
Nadia san's idea: Morocco, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia belong to Islamic countries and have the same greeting.  Three countries get together on the stage and say a few words.
That make time saving.

@ Rabab san came to Koala with her daughter's used toys for donation.

We shared our lunch to the staff of Fukushi Pal as usual. They were pleased to have them.

New member;
Takasugi san, Welcome to Koala!