

クリスマスの飾りを壁に貼りました。 入口にはサンタクロースの看板を置きました。

*Ready or not?  Finger Play
* What do you want for Christmas?
* ボヨヨン行進曲(どんな大変なことが起きても 君の足の下に丈夫なバネがついているんだ ボヨヨンと飛び込んで行こうよ)
「子育ては本当にストレスが溜まります。 コアラの様な場があって感謝しています。」とのコメントでした。

*24日に参加して下さったコアラ卒業生にもクリスマス会にご招待しました。 残念ながら、殆どの人がバイトでした。 帰国中の人もいらっしゃいました。 二人だけ参加して下さいますのでよろしくお願いします。
*かながわ子ども・子育て支援大賞の大賞・一等賞にコアラが選ばれました。 これが表彰状です。 12月3日県庁で黒岩知事から副賞と共に頂きました。

全部美味しかったですね。 お店で食べる高級料理の様でした。
チーズケーキは食べるのが勿体ないほどの出来栄えでした。 皆さん、食べましたか?

ケイ君 2歳 お誕生日おめでとうございます。 コアラのお誕生日カードとコアラメダルを差し上げます。 皆で「ハッピーバースディの歌」を歌ってケイ君の成長をお祝いしましょう。

パイプさん(イギリス) ソル君、はなちゃん ようこそコアラへ!!

Christmas party report
December 5th

We decorated the wall with Christmas decorations, and also we put a Santa Claus board at the entrance.
We laid out a mat with toys for the children as usual.
The children started to play.
This was our potluck party.
Everyone brought food to share.
So there were many dishes on the table.

At first, Ms.Takahashi sang two-finger play songs for the children.
1) What do you want for Christmas?
2) ぼよよよーん こうしんきょく
(Boyoyoyo-n march)
The song says “you have springs on your feet to jump over any problems”

To close, Ms.Takahashi said that this song cheered her up when she was tired of looking after kids.
Visiting the Koala group also reduced her stress levels.
She appreciated the help of Koala and Ms.Yonezawa.

<<Notice >>
•We also invited past graduates of the Koala to thank them for participating in the fashion show on November 24th.
Unfortunately, only two graduates could attend, others were busy or were away on holiday.

•Koala got a prize for excellence among childcare groups in Kanagawa prefecture.
Ms.Yonezawa in the picture got an honorable certificate.
She received it with an extra prize on December 3rd at the prefectural office from Mr.Kuroiwa governor of Kanagawa prefecture.
From now on we’re going to use the money that we received from Kanagawa prefecture.
We are very grateful for the donations and support which Ms.Kazue used to give us.

<<Special thanks!!>>
Ms.Yamada cooked many fine foods for us.(6dishes!!)
1.Somen champru(A type of noodle)
2.Meat dumpling with sweet vinegar
3.Shrimp and broccoli salad
4.Vegetables and Bagna Cauda Souce.
5.Chocolate cheesecake
6.Apple muffins
All of these dishes were extremely delicious!
The dishes were very much like the food served at an elegant and exclusive restaurant.
Especially the cheesecake was too beautiful to be eaten.
But of course, we did eat it and it was also very delicious!
Did you guys eat it?

<<Birthday party >>
The birthday party was held for Kei-kun. Happy second birthday!!
We will give you an amazing birthday card and a dazzling medal.
Let’s sing Happy Birthday!!
Celebrating his growth and happiness.
Kei-kun was moving his body to the music happily.

<<Joining >>
Three people joined us and became new members.
Pipe-san, Soru-kun, Hana-chan
Welcome Koala!!