会員が自発的に「代わりをやります!」と手を挙げて下さいました。「皆でカバーしながらワークショップを成功させましょう!! 病気で来たくても来られない人たちの分まで頑張ろう❣」
場所は武蔵小杉グランツリーの玄関前ピロティでした。外の温度は17℃でちょっと寒いです。 マットを敷いてコアラのぬいぐるみを置いて、イーゼルを立てて、折り紙で作った金魚を池に見立てた布の上に置きます。9時半までに準備を終わらせなければなりません。
グランツリー玄関前には沢山のお客様が開店を待っています。Kさんによる韓国語のワークショップは簡単な韓国語の挨拶、手遊び歌「あたま かた ひざ ぽん」、金魚が逃げたの大型絵本の読み聞かせ、金魚釣りなど盛り沢山。
子供達も私たちスタッフも十分楽しめました。 250匹の金魚も終わりました。
無事に終わりました。 大成功!!
The supposed staff at workshop were 12. The staff arrangement scheme and a person in charge of language was already decided. The early shift come to the Grantree at 7:45 and the late shift is 17:00. Unfortunately, some of them were unable to come because of illness. A voluntary statement from member "I'll do it instead of her", "Let's have workshop successfully!", "Let's do our best for those who can't come even if they want to come because of illness." What a refreshing teamwork! I am proud of you all.
The site was the piling of Mushashikosugi Grantree. It was 17degree slightly cold outside. We spread the mats and put stuffed Koala and a Kangaroo, set an easel for picture book and placed Origami Goldfishes in the blue cloth. We had to finish preparation until 9:30.
A lot of customers waited to open a shop at the entrance of Grantree. The starter was in charge of Korean language, give visitors Korean greeting, a song using hand-gestures "Head shoulder knee pon". Reading picture book "Goldfish got away" and fishing them. She gave performance twice for many visitors.
English, Tagalog, English instead of Indonesian and Chinese were conducted in the same way. In order to prevent, we were required to take visitors temperature and disinfect.
I greeted to Koala graduates to have the workshop at Grantree so that many people came to see us. We had mini alumni association there. One of them could do Spanish reading. Spanish has a loud voice and gesture made visitors laugh. Not only children but we also enjoyed this event. 250 goldfishes were finished.
Remarks from staff:
*Children copied easy foreign language while she read picture book. We had wonderful cross-cultural communication.
*Children enjoyed goldfish fishing. I learned how to mingle with children.
*Preparation was hard, but it was fun.
Reporter: yonezawa