4月23日オリエンテーションと自己紹介と名札作りの報告(Orientation, self-introduction,making name card.)
米澤:代表・創立者。 40か国(ビジターを含む)の外国人が訪れている。 外国人母子が社会から孤立しない様に1996年1月にコアラを創立した。日本人と外国人を半々にしている。 現在、日本人会員の方が多いので新規に入りたい人は「外国人又は国際結婚している日本人と一緒に参加して欲しい!」とお願いしている。
藤原:副代表(中国)。 13年間コアラの外国人家族の窓口となり、特に中国人の悩み相談にのっている。 中華料理はプロ並みで会員は一品持ち寄りのパーティを心待ちにしている。
小林:2才2か月女児。 1年前、茶々プレイセンターでコアラの活動を聞いた。 外国人の友達が欲しい。 ホームビジットをしたい。 まとめ役には向いている。
大川:1才9か月男児。 年齢の違う子供達と交流して欲しい。 工作は得意。
吉田:1才11か月女児。 転勤で川崎に来た。友達が欲しかった。 手伝いが好き。
進藤:1才3か月女児。 子供を遊ばせる場所を探していた。 コアラは楽しい。
神田(韓国):1歳11か月男児、兄がいる。 保健所でコアラのビデオを見て入会。 夫は韓国人、年2回は帰国する。
小松:1才9か月男児。 友達が欲しい。海外旅行が好き。 英語が好き。 歌も絵本も好き。
鈴木:1才9か月男児。 国際交流をしたい。 イベントは手伝う。
芳村:1才2か月女児、姉がいる。 2年前、友達の紹介。インドに在住経験あり。英語や異文化OK. 粘土遊びは得意。
渋谷:1才男児。 姉が今年卒業。 高津区へ引っ越すがなるべく続けて来たい。
稲垣:2才10ヶ月女児、0才8ヶ月男児。 友人の紹介。中国語OK。友達が欲しい。コアラに2年半いる。来月引っ越し。
田(中国):0才6か月男児。 6年前来日。長男が3年間コアラにいた。今年小学1年生。次男と参加する。
石川:(ベトナム):2才2か月女児。 2010年来日、夫は日本人。家では英語。子供は2013年広島で生まれた。
布施:0才1か月半の男児を連れて参加。今年お姉ちゃんがコアラを卒業。「私もコアラに行きたい~」と。 英語で遊ぼうを企画。
* 2015年度係決定;
メール係: 小松さん、鈴木さん
写真係: 大川さん、吉田さん
誕生日係: 進藤さん
案内係: 小林さん
集金係: 渋谷さん
* グループリーダー会の出席は小林さんに決まりました。 よろしくお願いします。
5月25日(月)10:00~11:30 小杉こども文化センター
* 4月の誕生会;
まさと君、1歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます。 コアラのお誕生日カードとコアラメダルを差し上げます。 皆で♫「ハッピーバースデーの歌」♫を歌ってお祝いしましょう。
* 鈴木さんがスイートポテトのケーキを作って来て下さいました。 皆で美味しくいただきました。 有難うございました。
石川フォンさん(ベトナム) ようこそコアラへ!
田 中莉さん(中国) 第2子を連れて3年ぶりにコアラに戻ってきました。 お帰りなさい。
Yonezawa: President/Founder. Forty countries including visitors came to Koala. In order to avoid foreign mom and child isolated from society, I founded Koala in 1996. Members are half of Japanese and foreigners. At the present, there are many Japanese than foreigners so that you accompany with foreigner or Japanese in International Marriage when you want to join Koala.
Fijiwara:Vice President(China). Work for foreigners especially Chinese for 13 years. Cook Chinese foods professionally. Members are looking for a potluck party.
Kobayashi:2.2years girl. Knew Koala at Cha Cha Play center last year. Wants to make foreign friends, hope to have home visit and is suited for a leader.
Ookawa:1.9 years boy. Hopes him to associate with different age children and is good at a handicraft.
Yoshida:1.11 years girl. Transferred to Kawasaki and wanted to have friends and like to be assistant.
Shindo:1.3 years girl. Looked for a good place for daughter. Koala is a enjoyable place.
Kanda(Korea):1.11years boy and brother. Watched Koala video at the Health Center and enrolled. Husband is Korean. Return to Korea twice a year.
Komatsu:1.9 years boy. Want to have friends, like to go overseas trip, like English and song, picture books.
Suzuki:1.9 years boy. Want to associate with foreigners and want to help events.
Yoshimura:1.2 years girl and sister. Introduced by friend 2 years ago. Experience stay in India. English and multicultural are acceptable. Be good at a clay work.
Shibuya:1 year boy and sister who finished Koala last month. Move to Takatsu but want to keep coming.
Inagaki:2.10 years girl and 8 months boy. Introduced by friend 2.5 years ago. Speak Chinese. Want to have friends but move to another region next month.
Den(China):0.6 years boy. Six years stay in Japan. Her first son who enters the primary school was in Koala for 3 years.
Oanh(Vietnam):7months pregnant(girl). Scare to first delivery. Want to know how to raise child at Koala.
Ishikawa(Vietnam):2.2 years girl. Come in 2010. Husband is Japanese. Speak English at home. Daughter was born in Hiroshima.
Fuse:1 month boy. Daughter finished Koala in March, said " I wish I could go to Koala with man and baby". Plan to the event "Let play in English".
* In charge of Committee in 2015.
Mail: Komatsu san and Suzuki san
Photographer: Ookawa san and Yoshida san
Birthday: Shindo san
Guide: Kobayashi san
Accountant: Shibuya san
* Kobayashi san attends "Group leader meeting" on May 25.
* Birthday Party in April;
Masato one year old boy. Happy Birthday to you. Give you Koala card and Koala Medal. Let sing a song "♫ Happy Birthday to you ♫" for him.
* Suzuki san made two packs of sweet potato cake. Delicious! Yummy!! Thank you, Suzuki san.
* New Member;
Ishikawa Phon san (Vietnam) Welcome to Koala!
Den Churi san(China) Welcome back to Koala with a second son!!
特別)外国人家族の「着物を着てみよう!」の報告(Try on Kimono for Foreign family)
家族の無料着付け体験」を行ないました。 昨年、コアラ代表の米澤悦子
次女ミッシェルちゃんが生まれていました。 |
ボランティアは貴方たちを待っていました。 迷惑をかけました。 次回から必ず連絡して下さい。
"Free KIMONO Project" was held at Nakahara Shiminkan Japanese room and meeting room on April 19. Three families from Koala and 13 people from Japanese class enjoyed wearing Kimono.
Koala president Etsuko Yonezawa had received "Social Volunteer prize" from International SOROPTOMIST Japan Foundation last year, therefore I could organize Kimono project.
All beautiful Japanese kimonos are in clean keeping by Mrs. Etsuko Watanabe. Volunteer staffs are 9 dressers, 1 hair making, 2 makeup, 2 receptionist and I.
A former Koala families participated.
1, Joanna san's family (Finland)
Volunteers put Rumi's hair up and dressed up. She was very pretty. As Rumi missed Koala "Send off party", I gave a gold medal and gift to her.
2, Haliuna san's family (Mongol)
Kaera finished Koala at her age 1. I couldn't recognize her as she had grown.
3, Thilini san's family (Sri Lanka)
I first met Riola when she was a baby. I couldn't notice her.
I have seen Koala members no makeup faces so far. How beautiful they are!
To be participants who cut are;
Cho san, Kou san, Chin san families from China.
All volunteers had waited for you. You bothered them. Should contact to us if you won't come next time.
以下は日本語教室の学習者(中国、台湾、ベトナム)です。 Students from Japanese classes.
90歳のボランティア藤平さん |
ニュース)コアラが神奈川新聞に掲載されました(KOALA appeared on Kanagawa Newspaper)
International Parents and Infants Cross Cultural Group KOALA was established in 1996 for foreigner and Japanese mothers and children get together twice a month and exchange information on a daily life and child raising.
A president Etsuko Yonezawa has been teaching Japanese and consulting with foreign mothers. In order to solve their problems, she founded Koala group.
A vice president Kimpo Fujiwara from China was a former student of Mrs. Yonezawa at the Japanese class. She had been working for Koala for 13 years. She said she wanted to return the favor to teacher. To assist Chinese and Japanese mamas became enjoyable matter. We tackled with family problems like divorce.
Koala members are depend on each other. Soon, they become home visit relationship. When a mother came to see her grandchild, she also visited to Koala. After she returned her home, she wrote Koala charm point on her Blog. This spreads "International Cultural Exchange".
The most important event for Mrs. Yonezawa is "Send-off party". Children who enter the preschool or Day nursery and return home country are graduated from Koala. Mrs. Yonezawa prepared 20 gold medals and letters in remembrance of playing with multicultural children.
Her most impressive word was that Brazilian boy at aged 3 declared he would be a fire fighter to protect his citizen after he would be a grown man. It seemed that he had an effect on his emotions since we visited the fire station.
Mrs. Yonezawa said she wants to organize Koala, "Think global, Act local and desire to human right and peace".
Koala will reach 20 years next year.
International Parents and Infants Cross Cultural Group KOALA was established in 1996 for foreigner and Japanese mothers and children get together twice a month and exchange information on a daily life and child raising.
A president Etsuko Yonezawa has been teaching Japanese and consulting with foreign mothers. In order to solve their problems, she founded Koala group.
A vice president Kimpo Fujiwara from China was a former student of Mrs. Yonezawa at the Japanese class. She had been working for Koala for 13 years. She said she wanted to return the favor to teacher. To assist Chinese and Japanese mamas became enjoyable matter. We tackled with family problems like divorce.
Koala members are depend on each other. Soon, they become home visit relationship. When a mother came to see her grandchild, she also visited to Koala. After she returned her home, she wrote Koala charm point on her Blog. This spreads "International Cultural Exchange".
The most important event for Mrs. Yonezawa is "Send-off party". Children who enter the preschool or Day nursery and return home country are graduated from Koala. Mrs. Yonezawa prepared 20 gold medals and letters in remembrance of playing with multicultural children.
Her most impressive word was that Brazilian boy at aged 3 declared he would be a fire fighter to protect his citizen after he would be a grown man. It seemed that he had an effect on his emotions since we visited the fire station.
Mrs. Yonezawa said she wants to organize Koala, "Think global, Act local and desire to human right and peace".
Koala will reach 20 years next year.
情報)乳幼児(赤ちゃん、子供)健康診断と予防接種(Physical checkup and Vaccinations for Babies and infants.)
子供が元気に育つ為に乳幼児(赤ちゃん、こども)の健康診断や予防接種があります。 住んでいる区役所で日にちや場所を確かめましょう。
* 乳幼児健康診断
4ヶ月、8ヶ月~10ヶ月、1才6ヶ月、3才の時に子供の身長や体重を測ります。 お医者さんの診察もあります。
* 予防接種
予防接種とは感染症を防ぐために行う注射などのことです。 無料と有料がります。 定期接種は無料です。 インフルエンザは有料です。
* Physical checkup for babies and infants
Children who reached 4 months, 8months~10months, 1year and 6 months and 3 years old get check weight and height and also check with the doctor.
* Guide to Vaccinations
Children are susceptible to diseases, and once affected, the disease can become serious. There are, however, some diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations. We hope that the vaccinations will help you protect your children from these diseases and give you a sense of security.
多言語での説明(Explanation by 10 languages)
* 乳幼児健康診断
4ヶ月、8ヶ月~10ヶ月、1才6ヶ月、3才の時に子供の身長や体重を測ります。 お医者さんの診察もあります。
* 予防接種
予防接種とは感染症を防ぐために行う注射などのことです。 無料と有料がります。 定期接種は無料です。 インフルエンザは有料です。
* Physical checkup for babies and infants
Children who reached 4 months, 8months~10months, 1year and 6 months and 3 years old get check weight and height and also check with the doctor.
* Guide to Vaccinations
Children are susceptible to diseases, and once affected, the disease can become serious. There are, however, some diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations. We hope that the vaccinations will help you protect your children from these diseases and give you a sense of security.
多言語での説明(Explanation by 10 languages)
Chinese) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/cr69/3r6ex5rk/ (中国語)
Korean) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/f3nq/3r6ex5rk/ (韓国・朝鮮語)
Tagalog) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/n5fn/3r6ex5rk/ (タガログ語)
Portuguese) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/kxt3/3r6ex5rk/ (ポルトガル語)
Spanish) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/bent/3r6ex5rk/ (スペイン語)
Vietnamese) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/fyam/3r6ex5rk/ (ベトナム語)
English) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/hvfs/3r6ex5rk/ (英語)
Thai) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/k6nv/3r6ex5rk/ (タイ語)
Cambodian) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/t9nu/3r6ex5rk/ (カンボジア語)
Laotian) http://i.r.cbz.jp/cc/pl/xquu6977/y9d3/3r6ex5rk/ (ラオス語)
4月2日お花見会の報告(Cherry blossom-viewing picnic)
AM10:30に場所取りに行きましたが、もうすでに予約のブルーシートがありました。 コアラは桜の木の下にマットを敷きました。 オイニーさんと区役所で待ち合わせました。 明日からお天気が崩れるとの予報で今日が最後の花見になるかも・・・??と他に5団体が一緒にお花見をしながらお弁当を食べました。
先輩ママ達が妊娠6か月のオイニーさんに産婦人科の病院や新生児への準備などアドバイスをしていました。 日本語が分からないと両親学級の参加も難しいのですね。
私の友達の川崎さんが差し入れを持って来て下さいました。 お花見と言えば「お団子と日本茶でしょう!!」と皆に振る舞って下さいました。 有難うございました。
Koala held the Cherry blossom-viewing picnic with 17 couples of membership under the blue sky and Sakura is covered with bloom.
I got a space for Hanami but someone had already gotten the space with the blue sheet. I chose the place under the Sakura tree.
I met Oany San at the ward office. The weather is going bad so that today would be the last chance to see the full bloom of a cheery tree. Koala group and other 5 groups enjoyed Hanami with eating and drinking.
Koala children stick to their mamas since they reach two years old. Senior mamas gave a frank piece of advice about the hospital of obstetrics and gynecology and preparation for a newborn baby.
It must be difficult to attend the Parents education class without Japanese literacy.
My friend, Kawasaki san came to see us with gifts. She said, "Speaking of Hanami, it requires the dumpling and Japanese tea". She served us. Thank you very much.
AM10:30に場所取りに行きましたが、もうすでに予約のブルーシートがありました。 コアラは桜の木の下にマットを敷きました。 オイニーさんと区役所で待ち合わせました。 明日からお天気が崩れるとの予報で今日が最後の花見になるかも・・・??と他に5団体が一緒にお花見をしながらお弁当を食べました。
先輩ママ達が妊娠6か月のオイニーさんに産婦人科の病院や新生児への準備などアドバイスをしていました。 日本語が分からないと両親学級の参加も難しいのですね。
私の友達の川崎さんが差し入れを持って来て下さいました。 お花見と言えば「お団子と日本茶でしょう!!」と皆に振る舞って下さいました。 有難うございました。
Koala held the Cherry blossom-viewing picnic with 17 couples of membership under the blue sky and Sakura is covered with bloom.
I got a space for Hanami but someone had already gotten the space with the blue sheet. I chose the place under the Sakura tree.
I met Oany San at the ward office. The weather is going bad so that today would be the last chance to see the full bloom of a cheery tree. Koala group and other 5 groups enjoyed Hanami with eating and drinking.
Koala children stick to their mamas since they reach two years old. Senior mamas gave a frank piece of advice about the hospital of obstetrics and gynecology and preparation for a newborn baby.
It must be difficult to attend the Parents education class without Japanese literacy.
My friend, Kawasaki san came to see us with gifts. She said, "Speaking of Hanami, it requires the dumpling and Japanese tea". She served us. Thank you very much.
投稿 (Atom)