川崎幸病院中原分院で健康講座がありました。「パパとママのこども救急箱」と題して救急救命士の資格を持つ蒲池淳一(かまち じゅんいち)先生のお話を聞いてきました。
@5時間以上おしっこがでない。 オムツを替えていないー脱水
Health course was held at Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital Nakahara Branch on Sept.11.
It was entitled "Papa and Mama's child emergency boxes" and Mr. Junichi Kamachi,a qualified paramedic gave a talk.
Question 1)
How should parents do when a child fall into a fit of convulsions (spasm). KEIREN in Japanese.Answer) Observe without doing anything without panic. It is important that you can answer a doctor's questions.
①Loosen one's clothes.
②Lie on one's side ・・・Avoid sucking down the vomited things.
③Observe・・・How about one's hands and feet? move?
Where did one's eyes look forward?
How long did the convulsions (spasm) last?
After the convulsions came to an end, what is the reaction of the child?
- Did a child cry at once?
- Did a child sleep as it was?
- Was he tired out?
- Wasn't a child body part move?
④Use the clinical thermometers.
⑤Please decide whether you should call an ambulance promptly or consult a physician as usual without calling an ambulance.
< Call 119 an ambulance >
* The convulsions(spasm) continue more than 15 minutes.
* The convulsions stop once and start again.
* The region of falling into a fit of convulsions is a part of body or not symmetry.
* Child's eyes look in side ways.
* The first convulsions at aged under 6 months or more than 5 years old.
Question 2)
What can parents do prevention of a spasm, if it occurs?Answer) Prevention will be considered if the 2nd spasm occurs.
* In case of a spasm, a child lost one's consciousness and do not react someone's
call. A child's eyes don't set and breathing stopped. White eyeballs showed out, and bubbles flowed out from the mouth.
* In case of the shivers(a chill), a child has one's consciousness and one's eyes
is opened and give an answer.
Since the blood vessel of the point of hands and feet is closed, the first
appearance of heat has chills. Please warm child at this time. If fever goes
up, the body should be cool down.
Question 3)
Although the child has gone into spasm once, can I give an antifebrile to him?
Answer) It is good to give an antifebrile after giving medicine "DAI UP".
Question 4) Is an antibiotic unnecessary although a child has fever?
Answer) For almost all fever and cold, the antibiotic is not necessary.
When they run a fever for a cold, 80%~90% of the cause are viruses, and 10%~20% are bacteria. The antibiotic works for only bacteria.
* Cold in summer(ヘルパンギーナ、hand-foot-mouth disease, a swimming pool fever),
Gastroenteritis(rota virus, adenovirus, norovirus), リンゴ病、Parotitis,Varicella,
Measles, German measles, Influenza are viral infection.
* The inflammation of the middle ear(tympanitis), Sinusitis, Pneumonia, The urinary
passage infection are bacterial infection. An antibiotic is necessary.
< How does it turn out when you use the antibiotic frequently? >
* The benign bacteria which there is in a mouth, nose, throat and the bowels were
killed and have loose bowels like water.
* Good bacteria decrease, and resistant bacteria increase.
* It is easy to be concerned with Sinusitis, the inflammation of the middle ear
(Tympanitis), Pneumonia, Meningitis and is hard to become cure.
Question 5) Can I use the antipyretics when a child's body temperature is more than 38.5 degree?
Answer) You can use even without the fever. It is important to have timing.
* The antipyretics is not taken to reduce fever. When a child looks worn-out, doesn't
drink water, doesn't go to sleep you may give the antipyretics. When the child's fever
goes down, then give him water.
* In case of child's temperature 38.0 degree: When he looks worn-out and doesn't
drink water, give the antipyretics. This means that it is important to get water
rather than reducing his fever.
* In case of child's temperature 39.0 degree: When a child drinks water and sleeps
well, he doesn't need the antipyretics.
Question 6)
When a child has a fever, which treatment is best for him, keep cool or keep warm?
Answer) When his point of hands and feet are hot, cool him off. Vice versa, his point of hands and feet get cold, then keep him warm.
* Avoid too much clothes when fever arise.
Question 7)
When a child suffered from the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis), what should parents do?
Answer) Don't give him water and food for a few hours. Then, give him "Oral rehydration salt" or sports drink. The citrus drinks are not allowed.
* The vomit will be finished within a half day or a day. The diarrhea will come
after vomit. A child may have a week long diarrhea.
* The diarrhea put viruses out of the bowel, basically, don't give binding medicine.
Out of the diarrhea, get in water.
< Virus cause of the stomach and inteslines(gastroenteritis) >
@ Noro virus... famous for the food poisoning. Start from frequency vomit, then
have diarrhea and rare fever.
@ Adeno virus ..famous for the summer cold. A swimming pool fever is prevalent in
summer. The gastroenteritis is prevalent in winter. A child may
have diarrhea and fever than the vomit.
@ Rota virus .... Strong virus for gastroenteritis. Start with vomit and diarrhea
at once. Babies are easy to be a thirst and becomes serious
< Consult a doctor soon >
* A child is in a bad mood. - It may continue his stomachache.
* Even if a child takes medicine, it won't stop his vomit.
* Blooded stool.
* No urine more than five hours. No change one's diapers.
* A child is worn-out without liveliness. - dehydration.
Question 8)
Shortly before, my child hit his head. His condition is the same as usual one. I'm very anxious that what will happen to him.
Answer) If you are very anxious, you should go see a doctor.
< Important information when a child hit his head. >
* Did a child cry at once?
* Did a child look sick?
* Did a child sob bitterly and in a bad mood?
* Did a child go into spasm?
* Didn't a child's feet and hands move?
* When a child looks as the same as usual, stay and observe him at home.
* A symptom may appear after 24 hours. Keep him watch in 24 hours.
* When a child went to bed, check his consciousness every three hours.
Question 9)
What should parents do when a child put tobacco into his mouth?
Answer) When a bitten cigarette is 2 cm or less, take the leave off and observe him a half day or a day.
* The taste of tobacco is so bitter that he spits them out.
* The nicotinism will effect after 30 minutes ~ 4 hours.
* If a child drinks the liquid that put into cigarette, is danger. Call 119
an ambulance immediately.