
4月11日手形・足形アートの報告(Hand/foot print art)

コアラの会計から「キットパス(インク)と画用紙」を買いました。 係の田部井さん、鴨川さんがその他の色鉛筆、ペン、クレヨン、シール、マスキングテープなどを用意して下さいました。 事前準備もされたそうで、ありがとうございました。

子供達の靴下を脱がせて素足にキットパスを塗り、水をかけて、画用紙に押し付けます。 子供は自分に何が起こっているのか分からず、神妙な顔をしていました。
くすぐったくて足の指を曲げている子供もいました。 水をかけられ泣き出す子供もいました。 カラフルでとても綺麗なアート作品が出来上がりました。

入会:石川さん ようこそ コアラへ


April 11th: Hand/foot print art

It was a nice sunny day, but many people had to leave early to pick up children from kindergarten.

Kitpas (ink) and drawing paper were bought from the KOALA account.

Ms. Tabei and Ms. Kamogawa, in charge of this event, brought other useful tools such as color pencils, pens, crayons, stickers, and masking tapes.

They had done other preparations for this event; thank you so much for your dedication.

We made the children take off their socks to put the ink on their bare feet, put water on, then press them onto the drawing paper.

The children looked confused since they couldn't understand what they were going through.

Some of them curled their feet because they felt the process tickling.

Some children cried when water was put onto their feet.

Colorful and beautiful art work was created.

Ms. Raiza brought her sister's family visiting from the Philippines to the event.

We all played together.

<New member>  Ms. Ishikawa, welcome to KOALA!

Ms. Ishikawa asked "can I help out?", so we assigned her as the person in charge for new members/collecting fees.