
2月24日絵本の読み聞かせの報告(Reading picture book to children)










5、Sparky’s House 布絵本-バッグに金づち、ノミ、刷毛などが入っている。(米澤)


7、ノンタン ハクション(村上さん)

8,Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?(徳武さん)


10,ノンタン ハミガキ(村上さん)


12、Over the meadow (布施さん)




















たいよう君、れん君 1歳のお誕生日おめでとうございます。バースディカードとコアラメダルを差し上げます。 



ペティットさん ようこそコアラへ!


村上さんが産休に入りますので写真係を杉本さんにバトンタッチしました。よろしくお願いします。 村上さん、赤ちゃんを連れて戻ってきてくださいね。 皆で待っていますよ。


We disinfected mats and sterilized toys as usual.  Today's event was Reading Picture book to children.  Members brought in their child books.

To read picture book to child is to enhance their imagination and concentration.  And also it is said that reading picture book to child makes mama's healing.

Please read picture book as if you read to your child.

1, Yasaisan (Okamoto san)

2, obakegazorozoro (Sugimoto san)

3, kunkun (Miyano san)

4, Harapekoaomusi (Chan san)

5, Sparky's House ~cloth picture book-there are hammer, chisel, brush etc. in the bag.(Yonezawa)

6, ofuroniirete (kogiso san)

7, nontan hakushion (Murakami san)

8, Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What do you see? (Tokutake san)

9, iyadaiyada (Sugimoto san)

10, nontan hamigaki (Murakami san)

11, ruruchannokutusita (Kogiso san)

12, Over the meadow (Fuse san)

【Mama’s reaction】

* I thought someone would bring in the same picture book but everyone brought in different one.

* It was enjoyable to observe that each child showed his interest to different book.

* I was delighted to see of your picture books.

* I was very pleased to hear that everyone gave a highly individual performance.

* I thought there were more English books.  I practiced reading in English.

* How to choose picture books depend on ages are instructive.  Thanks.

* I thought reading picture book to child was my work but I knew it made my healing.

【Impression from Ms. Yonezawa】

Each members read to speak in somebody else's voice like an actress that made us bring into a picture book world.  You've done good job.  Excellent!!  Child looked like to proud of it's mom when her turn has come.  He first occupied his mom's lap when other child approached his mom.  "This is my mammy, you know" he showed.  You are loved by your child so much.  Please love your child more.  They are your treasure and our treasure too.  What fascinates me is each child had a different reaction to the book depending on his age.

Birthday Party:

Taiyo and Len,  one year old boys.  Happy Birthday to you!  They were born same day in February.  I give you Koala Birthday card and Koala Medal.  Let's sing "Happy Birthday song".  Let's pray for their happiness.

New Member:

Pettio san,  Welcome to Koala!


Sugimoto san takes in charge of photographer since Murakami san will take maternity leave.

We are waiting for Murakami san and a newborn baby!!



1月27日節分 - ボールを投げて鬼をやっつけよう!の報告(Setubun - to drive out devils and attract good fortune)Throw the balls to devils.






コアラでは鬼のお面にボールを投げて鬼を退治します。 鬼のお面は市販の物とママの手書きがあり、ボードに貼り付けました。 




*子供たちの様子:2月の同じ日に生まれたレン君とタイヨウ君、偶然とはいえ珍しい。 ヨシ君は電車が大好き、おもちゃ箱からまず電車を持ってきます。 ゆずきちゃんは超恥ずかしがり屋でママから離れません。 えりちゃんは活発でどこにでも行ってしまう。 めいちゃんはおとなしいくママの仕草をよく見ているね。 みおちゃんも恥ずかしがり屋さんだったけどだいぶ慣れてきましたね。

*部屋の予約係:5月は徳武さん、 6月は宮野さん よろしくお願いします。


岡本さんは会員紹介。 ようこそコアラへ!

*「グループ ももちゃん」第2弾の布おもちゃプレゼント。 

前回頂いた布おもちゃを会員のベビーカーに飾ってあるのを見ました。 今回ボールが多くて中に鈴が入っているのが好まれました。

 「グループ ももちゃん」さん、素晴らしいプレゼントを有難うございました。


Infected person of the new Omicron variant of Corona Virus have been increasing since Jan.  Many pre-school and nursery school are closed.  We got a few emails of nonattendance.  "My son's pre-school  is closed due to an infected person so we have to stay home for a while." "To keep our safety and security we won't come".  Under this circumstance, we disinfected a mat and sterilized toys.

*The day of SETSUBUN on Feb. 3:

In Japan on the eve of the first day of spring, people scatter dry beans around the inside and outside of their home saying "Devils are out, Fortunes are in".   We stuck masks on the board.  Koala children threw balls to the demon's masks that were sold at the store.  Some of masks were made by their mothers.  Child took off a mask which her mother made.  It's difficult to throw a ball for a small children so that they threw it with their mothers.  I sang 'Setsubun no uta" but young mothers didn't know it.

*From the look of children:

Ren and Taiyo were born in the same day of the month.  It's rare case in Koala.  Yoshi loves a train.  He first picked up the train from the toy box.  Yuzuki is a super shy girl and she is never apart from her mom.  Eri is very active girl what is called tomboy.  Mei is a quiet girl and watches her mom's gesture.  Mio was also shy girl but she used to me or Koala room.

*Room Reservation: May - Tokutake san,   June - Miyano san  Thank you for taking care of things.

*New members: Chan san from Korea,  Okamoto san was introduced by Koala member.   Welcome to KOALA!

*"Group Momo chan"  the second cloth toys present.  Someone is hanging on a cloth toys from its stroller.  There are many cloth balls but they liked a ball inside a bell.  Thank you for wonderful present to Koala Children.
