
1月26日楽しく踊ろうハワイアンフラダンスの報告(Let's dance Hawaiian Hula!)



今日のイベントは常夏のハワイ・フラダンスを楽しみます。係はコアラ代表米澤が行います。  私はフラダンスが大好きで、もう20年間習っています。フラはジェスチャーで表現しますので手、指の動きが大切です。上半身は動かさず、下半身を揺らしリズムをとります。笑顔でそして裸足で踊ります。


 全員がフラダンスの未経験者でしたので、  私が「ハナミズキ」ハワイ語版を最初におどりました。騒いでいた子供たちまでもしーんとなり、見つめていたのが印象的でした。


 皆さんには「To you sweetheart, Aloha! 」を踊ってもらいました。笹間さんに歌詞を読んでもらいながら少しづつ振りを覚えました。 





*フラダンス楽しかったです。可愛いフラの服を着て、念願だったので子供を放って楽しんでました。 子供も少し踊っている様子で興味を持てたのでしょう。沢山飾り付けて人一倍楽しんでいた様な気がします。米澤さん、有難うございました。衣装を沢山用意して頂き、運んで下さった皆様も有難うございました。  

*フラダンス大人が皆楽しんでましたよね。 米澤さんも本当素敵でした。有難うございました。  

*子供が寝不足でぐずっていたのでずっと屋外で子守をしていたのですが米澤さんの見本のフラダンスはじーと興味深そうにずっと見ていました。私も米澤さんの踊り、本当にハワイにいる様な優雅な踊りで見とれてしまいました。 今度はちゃんと踊りたいです。








こうき君 3歳、ことはちゃん 2歳 お誕生日おめでとうございます。 



今まで沢山のお友達の誕生会を見て来たのでお祝いされる幸せを知っているね。 嬉しそうに皆を眺めて「ママのは?」と笑わせてくれましたね。




Y さん、Sさん ようこそコアラへ

次は2月2日 節分の係は遠藤さんです。 よろしくお願いします。


Reached a wave of cold weather once in a decade.  Districts along the Sea of Japan affected by the heavy know these days.  I'm concerned about people who live in.

Koala founder Yonezawa is in charge of today's event "Let's enjoy Hawaiian Hula Dance".  I have been practicing Hula for 20 years.  Hands and fingers motion are important for Hula.  Your upper part of body doesn't move but the lower of yours swing.  You dance with smile and bare feet.  I love Hula!  I prepared Hula dresses, Hair ornaments, flower Leis for 20 people.  Thankfully, members picked up six baggage.  As they didn't know Hula, I performed "Hanamizuki" in Hawaiian language.  I was impressed by children's attitude.  They stopped playing toys and kept watching me.  While I was cooling down, members changed in Hula dress.  Young mothers were so beautiful and looked so happy.  They tried to dance "To you sweetheart, Aloha".  Sasama san read the lyrics.  They remembered each posture of a dance and had done very good job.  Someone took video shooting.  They could be Hula girl!  Oh, hit a spot.  Nobody wanted to take off dress.


*I enjoyed Hula from the bottom of my heart.  As I wanted to wear cute Hula dress, my dream came true.  My son seemed to have pleasure with lots of Hawaiian ornaments and was copying to dance.  Thanks to Yonezawa san and carrier for baggage.

*All adults were happy by pretty dresses.  Yonezawa san was so lovely.

*I was outside of the room because my son grizzled his lack of sleeping.  When Hula dance started, he kept watching.  I wanted to join dancing.  I thought I were in Hawaii and watched Hula performance.

*Hula performance nailed us to the spot.  Not only adult but also children were absorbed in Yonezawa san's Hula.  It was a great experience to see it.

*Yonezawa san let Hula dress, Hair ornament use for us.  I danced following Yonezawa san's example.  This was the first experience in my life.  I enjoyed dance with all mates.  The appearance of Yonezawa san dancing Hula was really elegant.  I thought Hula connected with not only dancer's movement but one's appearance.  I want to try again.

*Everybody loves Hula dress and dance.

*Children also stood with their eyes on the performance.

*I saw Hula for the first time.  It was wonderful.

*I was impressed by Yonezawa san's hand motion and expression.

[Birthday Party]

Kouki three years old boy and Kotoha two years old girl.  Happy Birthday to you.  I'll give you Koala Birthday card and Koala Medal.  Let's sing a song "Happy Birthday to you" together for their happiness.

Koki was celebrated birthday two times here!?  He knows how happy many friends give him happy birthday song.  He kept watching people singing for him and said, "how about my mom?" we laughed.

Kotoha was there for the first time and an anxious look on her face.  Sorry, give you cry.  Her mom was satisfied to get to know many friends.

In this connection, KOALA was born in 1996 Jan. 9, so Koala reached 27 years old.

[New Member:]

Ms. Y and Ms. S.     Welcome to Koala!!

reporter: yonezawa


1月12日新年会・年末年始はどの様に過ごしましたかの報告(New Year Party/How do you send Year-end and New Year holidays?

2023年 令和5年 明けましておめでとうございます。      










チャーハン、海鮮粥、チンジャオロース、酢豚、お煮しめ、のりスープ、おはぎ(中国風)、お節料理(日本風)これは全て副代表の藤原さんが徹夜で作って下さった物です。 子供達の健康を考えて新鮮な食材、オリーブオイルは1回のみ使用。お粥は子供達にも大うけでした。沢山食べてママ大喜びでした。

RISOL春巻きはインドネシアのシィティさん。30個ぐらいあったかな~。 美味しくてすぐに入れ物が空っぽになりました。







*入会:Iさん ようこそコアラへ


                           A Happy New Year!

All good wishes to you and International Parents and Infants Cross Cultural Group "KOALA".

Decorated New Year's decoration.  Some child cried to see a display "A Lion Mask".

*Member's the end-year and New Year report:

Persons who couldn't return to their parents' house because of sick. A person who had a loss of her relative.  A person who could finally meet her great-grandfather after three years.  A person who enjoyed in Korea.  A person who visits the temples and shrines of the Seven Deities of Good Fortune at the New Year (shichi fukujin meguri).  Nowhere to go.  A person who had first experience for Japanese Christmas and New Year.  A person who returned to Philippine, enjoyed fire work on Jan. 1.

*Toast New Year with a cup of Ume juice.

We enjoyed the dishes from China, Indonesia, Philippine and Japan.

Chinese style fried rice, fresh seafood rice porridge, thin strips of beef sauteed with green pepper, sweer-and-sour pork, simmered food, seaweed soup, soybean flour (Chinese style), traditional Japanese food prepared in advance containing various specified ingredients.  All were made by a vice president Fujiwara san, cooked them all night.  She used fresh food for children's health.  Children loved her porridge.

30 pieces of RISOL (Spring roll) were made by Indonesian Siti san.  Basket of it became empty soon.

Macaroni salad and fruit salad were made by Philippine Riza san.

Rice seasoned with soy sauce and boiled with meat and other savory vegetables, Omelets, Tofu chocolate, Banana cake, popcorn, orange and other sweets from Japanese members.

Participants of 32 ate 17 kinds of dishes and sweets.  Thank you for all.  Everything was so delicious.  We were full stomach.

*New member: I san, Welcome to Koala.



information) Three important procedures for a newborn child of a Foreign National Family living in Japan.


外国(がいこく)の ひとが 日本(にほん)で おとうさんや おかあさんに なったとき、 赤(あか)ちゃんのために 役所(やくしょ)でする 3つのことが あります。

その だいじなことが わかる どうがを つくりました。

ひつような ひとに みせてあげて ください。


どうがは ここで みることが できます。




ウェブページも あります。

ぜひ みてください。
