
9月2日 手遊び歌の報告



1)8月中に「平成22年度 中原区地域福祉講座事業計画」により中原保健福祉センターと共同で「10月31日 ハロウィンのつどい」を行ないます。委員長は佐藤めぐみさんです。役割分担しますのでご協力、宜しくお願いします。

日本語、英語の手遊び歌で楽しみました。最後に中国人参加者7名による中国の子供の手遊び歌「つばめ」を披露してもらいました。 カーラさんはブラジルから来たばかりの親子の面倒をみていました。

During August, International parents and Infants Cross Cultural Group "KOALA" had the summer vacation.
Koala members came into the room saying "Hello, Long time no see." "I missed you." "I wanted to come to Koala early." with their lovely smiles.
Mothers and children of 13 foreigner couples and 8 Japaneses couples came together.
Event was "Let's sing a song with gesture".

Before starting, we had news for you.

1)Koala will be in partnership with Nakahara Health Center and will be held "Halloween Party" on October 31. 
The chair person is Ms.Megumi Sato. Please share to make the party a success.
2)The next Koala event "The Apron theater" needed 6 story tellers from different countries.
3)Kou san from china wrote "Thank you letter" to Ito san who gave a bamboo tree in July.

The event "Let's sing a song with gesture" was easy. Everyone could follow it.
We enjoyed singing and dancing in Japanese and English music. Finally, 7 participants from China showed Chinese children's song "Swallow".
Ms.Carla was taking care of newcomer family from Brazil.