
2019年1月10日新年会の報告(New Year's Party)

今年も楽しいコアラの会にして行きましょう! よろしくお願いします。


お正月の飾りつけをしました。 お正月のお供え物:「かがみもち」や「ししがしら」を置き、「まつかざり」を付けました。
*鏡餅とは「鏡の様に丸く、平たく作った餅大小2個を重ねて飾ります。 上にみかんを乗せます。
*門松とは「松は待つと音が同じ。神様が我が家に福をもたらして下さるので待つ」 (コアラでは子供達が松を触ると危ないので紙のお札だけにした)

1月1日の歌を披露した。「♬ 年の初めの 試とて 終わりなき世の めでたさよ 松竹 建てて角ごとに 祝う今日こそ 楽しけれ ♬」 歌詞が昔風なので今では歌われていませんね。

一品持ち寄りパーティですので皆で作って来た料理を食べました。 皆お腹いっぱい食べました。 美味しかったね~。
いつもお世話になっている福祉パルの職員の方たちにもおすそ分けしました。 皆さん大変喜んでおられました。

2月のイベント 中原消防署見学について

             A Happy New Year!
Let make Koala activities more fun in this year!  Thank you for your cooperation.  Give my respects to all Koala members!

      《Japanese New Year;》
I decorated New Year's ornaments.  [Kagamimochi][Sisigasira] are presented as an offerings.  And I put [Matsukazari] too.
* Kagamimochi means a mirror shaped rice cake that piled one on the other in order of size, used a New Year offering and put an orange on it.  Then, those are cut and eaten on Jan. 11.
* Shishigashira means a wooden lion's head.
* Shishimai means a ritual dance by a performer wearing a Lion's mask.  This wards off evil fortune.
* Kadomatu means a pair of auspicious pine and bamboo decorations placed in front of a house during the New Year period.  Pine (matsu) sounds same as wait(matsu) so that we wait God give us good fortune.
  (If children would touch pine, it hurts them then I decorate only a strip of paper with a coil of straw without pine.

* Osechi ryouri means traditional Japanese food prepared in advance for consumption during the first 3 days of the New Year and containing various specified ingredients.
Kamaboko (white fish meat made into a seasoned paste.  Red and White kamaboko image of sunrise.  Cerebrate their start in life.)
Kuromame (a black soybean. This shows work hard and pray for their health.)
Tazukuri (small sardines, dried and then boiled slowly in sugar and soy sauce.  Pray for good harvest and longevity.)
Renkon (a lotus has holes, means perspective their future.)
Konbumaki (a kelp roll.  kobu refers to Yorokobu=pleasure.)
Kazunoko (salted, preserved herring roe.  Pray for the prosperity of their descendants.

I showed the song "January 1".  As the words to a song is out of fashion.  We've never heard this song nowadays.

We started to toast New Year with a cup of home made of a Japanese apricot juice.
Koala members brought in various foods for our party.  We were satisfied with delicious meals.  We shared to the staff of Fukushi pal.  They were so glad to have them.

Feb. event: visit to Nakahara Fire Station
Tabei san inquires Fire station and arranges the date and time.
I will let you know as soon as the date fixed.